Punctuating Dialogue
Quotation Marks “” 1. Use quotation marks to signal when someone is speaking (direct quote). – Direct quote: “Isn’t Billy Dean the best singer in the world?” Carly asked Jane. – Indirect: Carly told Jane how she thought Billy Dean was the best singer in the whole world. – **Look for a ‘speaker tag’- it indicates that it was said out loud.
“” 2. A direct quote begins with a capital letter. Brandon shouted, “Over here!”
“” 3. If the speaker tag interrupts a quote, the second part of the quotation begins with a lowercase letter. “Did you know,” asked Angelo, “how Batman became the superhero he is?”
“” 4. A direct quote is set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma, exclamation point or questions mark…never a period. – Alyssa said, “I like cheese.” – “I like cheese, too,” Anne replied. – “What a cool movie!” Bob shouted. – “Do you like action movies?” Dave asked.
“” 5. Use half-quotation marks when using a quote within a quote. – Mrs. Hall reminded us, “Remember what I told you yesterday. I said, ‘Make sure you turn in your books on time’.”
6. When writing dialogue, begin a new paragraph each time the speaker changes. “No, I don’t think that we should go to the party because I am too tired,” Anne whined. “Come on!” John begged. “I really think we would have fun.” “Yeah,” Malory joined in, “we really should go for a little while.” “Fine. I suppose we can go for a bit,” Anne relented, with a sigh. “I just don’t want to stay too long.” “Sounds like a plan,” John smiled.
Period vs. Comma “I think we should get married,” Bob told Sally. “We are really good friends and I love you.” This one gets a period after the speaker tag because the speaker tag is in the middle of two COMPLETE sentences. “I thought,” Sally sighed, “that you would never ask!” This one gets a comma because they are NOT complete sentences that can stand on their own.
MORE EXAMPLES: “I want to go to Lagoon,” Lexi said. “I want to go to Lagoon!” Lexi shouted. “Do you want to go to Lagoon?” Lexi asked. “I do want to go to Lagoon,” Bob replied. “I could go this weekend.” “Do you think,” Lexi wondered, “that we could go on Friday?” “Yes!” Bob agreed. “That’s a great idea.”
Your turn: I really would like to go to the movies said Janice. Don’t you think Mrs. Tyler is nice asked Bob. Could you please come with me Donald pleaded I am scared. If you want to go replied Mom you need to get in the car now.
Correct the following paragraph with quotation marks, punctuation and ‘¶’ when a new paragraph is needed. I would love to see the Mona Lisa when we go to Paris said Sally. Don’t you think that would be a great stop on our trip? Well, I don’t know replied Ralph I am not really that interested in art. What do you mean exclaimed Sally it is not just any piece of art, it is the Mona Lisa Yeah, I know said Ralph I guess we could go and see it, if you want to. I really do Sally said as she nodded Thank you, Ralph. We can add something to the schedule that you really want to do. As long as I get an Italian piece of pizza, I will be just fine laughed Ralph.