My last work experience I did my training course at S.A.R.L Hervéompany. The training course was from 9th till 27th June 2008
Timetable of the firm MondayTuesday Wednesd ay ThursdayFriday 8.00 am To 12.00am 8.00 am am 8.00 am am 8.00 am am 8.00 am am 13.00pm To 17.00pm 13.00pm17.00pm13.00pm16.30pm13.00pm16.30pm///////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I worked 35 hours a week.
8 28km 80km 20km 30km 2 Chemin Lussault barbezieux-saint- hilaire It is at 30km from Angouleme
Organization chart of the company Organization chart of the company Mr BERNARD Hervé Business manager (Electrician) Jean Michel. P Plumber Pascal. T electrician Jean François. B Electrician Industrialist (the business manager’s brother) Virginie. B Secretary (the business manager’s wife) Their vehicles
the day timetable of the business manager Mr Bernard 7.30 am Arrival of the business manager 7.50 am Reception of the staff 7.55 am Briefing with the staff 8.30 am Arrival of the secretary pm Meal pm Small interventions + appointments pm the staff come back; ordering raw materials pm Departure of the business manager
The working conditions were very pleasant and it improved my knowledge. What I learnt during this training course will be of useful for my future studies. I thank Mr Bernard to have welcomed me in his (her) company and particularly Mr Patrat whom I followed during all the duration of the training course. From a personal point of view I think that this electrician's job corresponds to me. Conclusion