Sidan 1 SURVEY THE NEAR WORK EXPERIENCE (PAID OR UNPAID) December 2010 – February 2011 Staff with coaching experience within the labour market Eductus
Sidan 2 A person who, when offered a job or work experience, draws back at the last minute A person who, when offered a job or work experience finds excuses for not taking on the offer DEFINITION
Sidan 3 Fear of failure Fear of the unknown Sense of insecurity - to replace something familiar with something unfamiliar Failing self-confidence WHY?
Sidan 5 REACTIONS FROM THE COACH: Frustration Anger Irritation Surprise
Sidan 6 STRATEGIES Of the respondents 85% claim that they have strategies to deal with Near Work Experience Keywords from the survey: Put your experience into words Motivate Support Reducing the stigma - What's the worst that can happen? OK to feel that way
Sidan 7 HOW DO WE GO ON? Learning from results Learning from strategies Be part of Learned Helplessness toolbox
Sidan 8 AcadeMedia