Central Appalachia
I. Location: The Appalachia Region touches 13 states – Eastern KY & WV = most economically-depressed – >80% of central App. is rural (58% of App’s pop)
II. Demographics: 95% = white (75% = U.S.) 14% = age 65+ (12% = U.S.) 27% = no high school diploma – Drop out rate = >40% – ½ of adult pop = illiterate – Working poor: Working people whose incomes fall below a given poverty line Dairy Queen, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, etc.
III. Economics: 1) Mining = #1 industry until…? – a) Automation of mining industry – b) Amer’s. switch to anthracitic coal & natural gas Difference in coal: – Bituminous coal: low grade soft coal – Anthracitic coal: high grade hard coal – Now = only 2% of pop. works in mining 2) Logging has declined b/c of the creation of …? 3) Tobacco has declined b/c of …? High Unemployment Rate – 17.9% (U.S. = 5.8%) 25% of App. = <$15,000/yr.
IV. Social Issues of Central Appalachia: Poverty leads to malnutrition. Why? Malnutrition leads to – Poor health undermines _______________ Poor health leads to Prescription drugs lead to – Prescription drugs are sold illegally on the streets Addiction leads to more ______________________ poor health prescription drugs addiction poverty, crime, & despair productivity
V. So, why is Central Appalachia struggling economically?: 1) Lack of employment opps. 2) Uneducated & unskilled pop. 3) Low morale (confidence) & lack of motivation How does Appalachia compare to the Northeast? – Urban vs. rural – Education – Job opportunities – Morale