Theme Parks Unit 5. The minority national groups of China.


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Presentation transcript:

Theme Parks Unit 5

The minority national groups of China

Dai Bai MiaoUyghur Naxi

Uyghur DaiDai Miao Bai dancing cloth food woodwork singing Listening

Miao’s clothDai’s singingNaxi’s food Uyghur’s dancing Bai’s woodwork

Different styles of houses

Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks. Numbers of cultural groups Numbers of villages Name three cultural groups Two things in the park other than people The reason for Lucy’s hunger Things to see and hear Things to buy Things for Ricky to do again homes. temples and dress different styles of houses and some typical plants of buildings Because she got up early and didn’t have any breakfast To see Uyghur cultural dancers and hear Dai’s singing the beautiful Miao’s Cloth for her mother To buy To eat again

What can we learn from the Ethnic Park ? theme park amusementknowledge

Universal Studios Disneyland What’s the purpose of the theme park?What other theme parks do you know ? World ParkOcean ParkArchitecture Marine life Movies Cartoon Characters

Name : Themes : Amusement Attractions : Food : Restaurants : knowledge Cost Suppose you want to set up a theme park of your own. What kind of theme park will you set up? The name of my park is…, the theme of my park is…, and I will have the following activities, such as…. I want to build such a park because…

Main Entrance 1.Could you show me where…? 2.How far is /are the… 3.Which direction…? 4.Am I going the right direction? 5.Does this road lead to…? 1.We wanted people to… 2.Go down this path and turn left/ right at the first crossing. 3.Down the path you can see… 4.It’s about 200 metres away/ 10miutes’ walk/just behind the… Ocean World Tomorrow Land Picnic Area Dinosaur Park Animal Park Space Centre Bungee Jumping Roller Coaster Big Tower Free-fall Ride Restaurant

Theme Parks in Taizhou

Information of Taizhou Aquarium Wher e In the northwest of Taizhou Citizen Park What 1 st : The Sea World (Animal Theatre: Witch cabin; Fishing Pond; Children’s Castle;) 2 nd : Under The Sea (Knowledge Corner; Tunnel; Ocean Theatre) 3 rd : Amusement Hall; Souvenir Shop How much Adults 60 元 each; Children under 1.40 half price How ……?

Animal Theatre Witch Cabin Animal Park Fishing Pond Children’s Castle The 2nd Floor Under The Sea Knowledge Corner Tunnel Ocean Theatre Amusement Hall Cafe Souvenir Shop Bridge Main Entrance The 1st Floor The Sea World The 3rd Floor Amusement Hall


You are the guide in Tai Zhou Ocean Park. Write an instruction to the park. It should include an explanation of what kind of park it is, how to get to the park, how to get to the sites of three activities. Use some of the following information.. 台州海洋世界是国内最高的海洋馆,也是浙江省最 大的海洋馆,国内首创的都市型水族馆,座落在台 州市民广场西北侧,是全世界唯一两个从上往下参 观的水族馆之一,有海洋生物 余只。共分四 层,主要游览一、二两层,第一层是海洋风情馆, 第二层是海底隧道馆。它是一处以海洋文化为主题 的集科普教育、欣赏娱乐、旅游休闲、购物为一体 的大型综合旅游地。