Experience Sharing on Specialised Teaching in English Language in Primary Schools & Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road) Lany Lo
Specialised Teaching in English Language Present Situation Teach three classes of English; one P6 class and two P2 classes; altogether 24 periods ( 35 minutes each) per week plus one class period, two library periods and one period of Life Education
Specialised Teaching in English Language Present Situation Most of the lessons are in the morning Tuesday and Friday afternoons are reserved for meetings with the other two ST (Specialised Teaching) teachers to discuss subject matters
Specialised Teaching in English Language Other Duties Deputy English Panel Chair Level leader of P6 As SET and teacher-in-charge of the NET scheme Take care of the implementation of the new curriculum with special attention to promotion of Reading Skills Preparation for TSA
Specialised Teaching in English Language Other Duties Set up an English folk song team and prepare for inter-school singing contest Plan, design and assist in other English related activities (e.g. Halloween Carnival, Speech Festival …) Take charge of the Extensive Reading Scheme ( P1 – P6 ) Class teacher of 6E
Specialised Teaching in English Language Gains Can concentrate all the efforts on developing the subject in YCPS Make good use of the materials and resources available Set up an image as an English- speaking person and build up an English speaking and learning environment in school
Specialised Teaching in English Language Gains More time for lesson preparation, exchanging ideas / co-planning with other teachers in trying out new learning & teaching (L&T) strategies/approaches and task-based learning More lesson observations (by the panel or peers) are possible improved teaching strategies
Specialised Teaching in English Language Gains Able to evaluate L&T and assess student learning Can spare time to attend professional meetings, seminars and workshops Beneficial to personal growth and development of the subject in YCPS
Specialised Teaching in English Language Gains Teaching two P2 classes (with the same curriculum) enables me to revise the lesson plans and adjust the teaching method for the next class Can try more diverse English activities e.g. verse-speaking, drama … Use English almost the whole day good for professional development and self-improvement Grow with students
Specialised Teaching in English Language Losses Cannot teach my favourite subject, Music No longer the teacher-in-charge of activities/performance related to music Sometimes feel the monotony of the work (teaching only one subject)
Specialised Teaching in English Language Students’ Feedback Try their best to adapt to the new curriculum, new textbook and new trend of English learning Prefer learning English through daily practice and welcome the enriched English language environment
Specialised Teaching in English Language Students’ Feedback Most of them like reading especially through storytelling or shared reading Develop a good reading habit and some effective reading strategies: learning to read and reading to learn
Specialised Teaching in English Language Parents’ Feedback Welcome the Specialised Teaching Scheme High expectations of the scheme in stimulating children’s interest in English learning English easily, joyfully and effectively
Specialised Teaching in English Language Difficulties Very heavy workload due to - teaching 3 classes of English - marking piles of workbooks and exercise books - many related duties - many meetings/workshops/seminars, mostly after school
Specialised Teaching in English Language Difficulties Very heavy work pressure due to - great expectations from the school and colleagues - great expectations from parents and students - great self-expectations
Specialised Teaching in English Language Possible Solutions More resources and support from the Government Make the best use of the resources available Good scheduling and planning for all the meetings, workshops and activities Relax
Specialised Teaching in English Language Roundup Enjoy being an ST teacher in English Regard every difficulty as a challenge Teach and learn at the same time, feel very fruitful and satisfied Most rewarding moment: when students talk to me in English naturally and SMILE they are improving and having fun
Specialised Teaching in English Language Thank you !