развивање на физибилити студија која опфаќа проценка на ризикот, истражување на пазарот, интелектуална сопственост, развивање на иновативни стратегии Фаза 1 Concept and Feasibility Assessment демонстрирање, тестирање, развивање на прототип и пилот производи Фаза 2 Demonstration, Market, Replication R&D go-to-market обезбедување на поддршка од ЕУ за влез на пазарот Фаза 3 Commercialization
-Компании со помалку од 250 вработени -Компании со годишен обрт помал од 50 милиони € -Компании насочени во делот на ICT technologies, nanotechnologies, medicine, eco-innovation -Компании со помалку од 250 вработени -Компании со годишен обрт помал од 50 милиони € -Компании насочени во делот на ICT technologies, nanotechnologies, medicine, eco-innovation
Фаза 1: -Вредност на апликацијата е 71,429 € -Контрибуција во износ од 50,000 € -Имплементација во период од 6 месеци Фаза 2: -Вредност на апликацијата е од 0,5/1 -2,5 милиони € -Контрибуција во износ од 70% -Имплементација во период од месеци Фаза 3: - Договор со ЕК
1. Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme -proposing innovative ICT concept -product and service applying new sets of rules values and models which ultimately disrupt existing markets 2. SME business model innovation -technologies and services as such do not have a specific value and their value is determined by the business models -traditional sectors, such as manufacturing industries as well as in new sectors including different services and creative industries, and the social economy - to innovate and grow across traditional boundaries, through new business models and organizational change. 3. Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs -design and creation of innovative applications, in order to foster the delivery of mobile public services -provide efficient, open and citizen-centric public services
4. Boosting the potentials of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials -targeted at all types of eco-innovative SMEs in all areas addressing the climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials challenge, -all kinds of promising ideas, products, processes, services and business models, business-to-business (B2B) and a business-to-customer (B2C) projects are eligible. 5. Resource- efficient eco-innovative food production and processing -Current food production and processing systems, -achieving a significant reduction in water and energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation, -improving the efficiency in the use of raw materials, increasing climate resilience and ensuring or improving shelf life, food safety and quality
6. Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for low carbon energy system 7. Small business innovation research for Transport 8. Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures 9. SME boosting biotechnology- based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability 10. Support SMEs efforts for the development- deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth 11. Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs 12. Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices 13. Space SME
h2020/ftags/sme_instrument.html#c,topics=flags/s/SME/1/1&+callIdentifier/ desc