About FF Instrumentation Ltd NZ Owned and Operated Christchurch based Servicing the whole of NZ Started as part of Formula Foods in 1987 Set up as a separate entity in 2012
Benefits Share Resources. Improve “solution” selling Synergy Project Collaboration Food T Resource Share a Building with FFDS
“Committed to providing high quality instrumentation, support and services that will ensure complete satisfaction in all dealings with FF Instrumentation Ltd” Mission Statement
Food Dairy Grain Feed Education Industries Covered
Water Activity Specialists Isotherm Generation Representation - Decagon Devices USA Application- 5 min test to prevent microbial spoilage
Soil and Environmental Sensors Data Loggers Representation - Decagon Devices USA
MAP Specialists Modified Atmosphere Packaging Mixers Leak Detectors Representation - Dansensor, Denmark
Grain- Flour- Feed Inline and Offline NIR Specialists- Project for Soil, grain, meat, seaweed all in 1. Representation - Perten, Sweden Application- alphalpha in SA STd NZ- Feed, Grain, Flour
DA7250 Anything - Analyze all types of samples from powders to pellets, liquids, pastes and slurries Anywhere - Rugged IP65 certified design for use at- line or in the lab Anytime - Never wait to get results, 6-second analysis without sample preparation Anybody - Trained chemists or factory staff, everyone will confidently use the DA 7250 Representation - Perten, Sweden
Texture and Volume Analysis Whole Gain NIR Representation - Perten, Sweden- Cont.
Refractometers Polarimeters Density Meters Microscopes Representation - Krüss, Germany Est. 1796
Viscometers Bench and Portable Rheometers Representation - Lamy, France
Data Logging Solution Offline “live” Zigbee wireless radio Representation - Fourtec, Israel
Quality Control of Cereals and Seeds Representative Sampling Representation - Pfeuffer, Germany
Non Destructive Moisture Measurement of Grain, Seed, Wood, Hay and Silage Representation - Wile, Finland
Diagnostic solutions for mycotoxins, afflatoxins food pathogens and allergens Representation - Romer Labs, Singapore
Weighing Solutions, weighbridge software, systems and support Representation - New Castle Weighing, AU
Portable Combine Harvester Representation - Gode, France
Supplier of high quality grain testing instrumentation and laboratory equipment to the Australian market. Shared Agencies (Control Australasian) Representation - Graintec Sci, AU
Locally service all we sell.
No single Industry standard- How do you deal with it? Range of instruments that can help. Committed to working with other industry providers to see it through. FFi Solutions.
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