Panel Coordination Meeting Panel 2 Regional/Interregional MS Governance 4 June 2012, – Harbour Suites A & B Westin Hotel CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Agenda 1330CAPT Hoffer’s Introduction of Panel Chair and Panel Chair’s Opening 1335Panel Chair’s Introduction of Co-Chair and Panelists 1340Presentation - Dr. Manoj Gupta (20’ presentation and 10’ Q&A moderated by Panel Chair) 1410Presentation - Mr. Yoshihisa ENDO (20’ presentation and 10’ Q&A moderated by Panel Chair) 1440Presentation – RADM Mustafa Ugurlu (20’ presentation and 10’ Q&A moderated by Panel Chair) 1510Coffee Break 1530Presentation – CDR (RUS N) Oleg Bushuev, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations (20’ presentation and 10’ Q&A moderated by Panel Chair) 1600Panel Co-Chair’s Wrap up and first question followed by Q&A and discussion session moderated by Co-Chair 1645End of Panel 1645Presentation of gifts to Panel members by CDRE Chick 1700Instructions for Hosted Dinner by CAPT Hoffer CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Panel Members Dr. Manoj Gupta (Panel Chair) (Cooperative Strategies for Regional and Interregional MS Governance) Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australian Department of Defence Mr. Mr. David Smart (Panel Co-Chair) Special Advisor COMD MARLANT Mr. Yoshihisa ENDO (ReCAAP- Enhancing Regional Cooperation, Overview and Trends of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia, and its Contribution to the Implementation of the DCoC) Exec. Dir. ReCAAP RADM (TUR N)Mustafa Zeki UĞURLU (Regional Maritime Security Cooperation & Multinational Maritime Security COE Establishment) Chief of Communication and Information Systems, Turkish Naval Forces CDR (RUS N) Bushuev Oleg (UN Peacekeeping Operations) Maritime Operations Planning Officer, UN/Department of Peacekeeping Operations CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Panel Staff Panel Coordinator, CAPT Gordon Broz (USA N) Note takers; CDR Karagoz, CDR Nyaas and Dalhousie Team (Devon Perlmutter and Dr. Ann Griffiths) Mic. Support Panel 2 Dalhousie Experts: David Griffiths, CFPS Research Fellow and Mark Sloan,CFPS Research Fellow Role: The role of Dalhousie University’s experts is to assist the Panel Chair to obtain the panel goals by supportive questions and discussion. CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Discussions Way ahead for international Maritime Security Cooperation and Awareness (MSCA). Maritime Security due to its transnational nature requires strong and structured international cooperation with the involvement of all maritime stakeholders. The purpose for panel #2 is to discuss each aspect of international maritime security governance and cooperation – the incentives for working together, areas of commonality, capacity building, building trust, best practices, success and difficulties, all of which will help to develop a roadmap for operational implementation of an enhanced international framework for maritime security cooperation and awareness. The panel will discuss the role of regional maritime security initiatives, interregional maritime security cooperation, law enforcement, border protection, environmental protection and conservation, defence, legal, standards, information sharing and support arrangements, from a regional perspective with an interregional vision to achieve a global network of maritime security cooperation. Furthermore panel #2 will identify requirements and the need for regional/interregional collaboration, cooperative strategies, discuss a conceptual framework to orchestrate the maritime security efforts and how to enhance and implement a more effective network of global maritime security cooperation. CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Regional/Interregional MS Governance Dr. Manoj Gupta Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australian Department of Defence CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Panel Members Dr. Manoj Gupta (Panel Chair) Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australian Department of Defence Mr. Mr. David Smart (Panel Co-Chair) Special Advisor COMD MARLANT Mr. Yoshihisa ENDO Exec. Dir. ReCAAP RADM (TUR N)Mustafa Zeki UĞURLU Chief of Communication and Information Systems, Turkish Naval Forces CDR (RUS N) Bushuev Oleg Maritime Operations Planning Officer, UN/Department of Peacekeeping Operations CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE
Abstract Maritime Security due to its transnational nature requires strong and structured international cooperation with the involvement of all maritime stakeholders. Regional/interregional collaboration is the key to the international MS Cooperation. Cooperative strategies and a conceptual framework is required to orchestrate the maritime security efforts. A more effective network of global MS cooperation needs to be operationalized. CJOS & CSW CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE