Exclusive coverage – scoops and announcements Live pages and topicality: in print and on-line Comprehensive coverage Insight and analysis On a top-of-mind (unaided) basis, b-to-b media ranked highest as the top source of information for executives. Yankelovich/Harris Interactive Industry insiders with exclusive topical interviews Experience of the World’s leading telco editorial team 1. Credibility
100+ years of combined editorial experience The ONLY International Telecom publisher with full time editorial staff in the Asia-Pacific region 23 editors and journalists for the event; See us after for a booklet containing all contact details. Joseph WaringGroup Editor, Questex Ltd John TannerGlobal Technology Editor, Asia and Brazil Fiona ChauHong Kong Correspondent, Questex Asia Ltd Chee Sing ChanGroup Editor, ICT and Technology Stefan HammondInformation Technology Editor Sheila LamSenior Reporter, Computer World Hong Kong Al SeniaEditor-In-Chief, America’s Network Robert ClarkGroup Contributing Editor Ian ChanningEditor, TelecomsEurope John WilliamsonAsst Editor, TelecomsEurope Geoff LongEditor, Enterprise Networks Asia Raymond TanGroup Editor, SE Asia Allan TanOn-line Editor in Chief Lalou RamosOn-line Editor Joan EngrebretsonContributing Editor, America’s Network Editorial Leadership: Trusted Names with Trusted Connections
2. Unbeatable reach Local distribution expertise. Print run - PRINT RUN OF 22,000 EVERY DAY 110,000 COPIES OVER THE EVENT Daily Distribution –At the venue. Uniquely throughout the exhibition halls; by hand at the entrance, with exclusive bins, media centre coverage and VIP lounge saturation, and from our booths –In the Forums, at TelecomWorld. –In their hotels and direct to delegate rooms –At the transport hubs. At the airport by hand; at the MTR and KCR stations. At the mainland railway link.
3. Frequency and medium built for impact Platform for introducing a vision for the industry Tabloid size = big impression Multiple reach. Each day, every day, for 5 days. 110,000 COPIES OVER THE EVENT Generates high number of impressions to make an impact, and stand out in crowd of competing media Different levels of impact Advertising – high value PR – guaranteed coverage Plus on-line coverage. Supplements frequency and message
Prices in US $ BRONZE $58,000 SILVER $75,000 GOLD $95,000 PRE & SHOW PRINT: Ads in Telecom Asia Nov & Dec issues and Telecom China Nov/Dec issue (Silver), and in Telecoms Europe Nov & Dec issues, America’s Network Nov/Dec issue (Gold) 2 pgs 6 pgs + preferred positions PRE-SHOW One advertisement (button/banner/ skyscraper) in the Show Preview e-newsletter reaching 100,000 global telecoms professionals ONSITE PRINT: 1pg advertisement in the Official Daily Newspaper (5 issues: 4-8 December). 110,000 circulation. PRE, DURING, POST-SHOW ONLINE: Rotating button with link on leading telecom websites in 3 regions (telecomasia.net, americasnetwork.com & telecomseurope.net) PR PRE-SHOW: interview/editorial coverage in the Show Preview issue (Oct 06 issue of Telecom Asia, America’s Network and Telecoms Europe & NWW) and magazine websites for one week DURING: Interview opportunity on the Official Daily Newspaper and event website. Packaged and live pages. 1 custom eblast to selected 10,000 Questex subscribers PACKAGE VALUE$75,000$98,000$135,000 ADVERTISING ITU Attendees ITU Attendees and Non-Attendees Reach ITU Attendees and Non-Attendees Worldwide – With A Complete Marketing Program Global Reach to a Global Market With High-Impact Marketing Packages
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