Level 6 + Project Work smarter, not harder
Development 1.L6 identified as priority in Partnership Plans (Sept 2006) 2.Leading teachers (Oct 2006) 3.Training day (Nov 2006) 4.Peninsula Club (Dec 2006) 5.Back into the classroom – student and teacher voice (Dec – Feb 2007) 6.Review and further development 7.Launch to all LA schools (Feb 2007) 8.Ongoing school support to embed and develop 9.Results and evaluate
Level 6 Level 6 requires pupils to think in a more abstract way, creating and analysing models, making links between topics, and articulating their thinking about experimental design. Level 6 pupils are able to discuss scientific issues, research information to form a point of view, and then justify their point of view using evidence. They are able to analyse graphs and charts, forming opinions about patterns and trends in data, even in unfamiliar contexts.
Facilitating Level 6+ learning Leading in Learning strategies –Mysteries –Analogies –Reading images What it looks like –Building capacityBuilding capacity
Reflective students Level 6+ learning objectives clearly identified Students reflecting on strategies and how they might be transferablestrategies
I definitely improved my confidence about working with graphs and pictures. I knew there would be ones I hadn’t seen before in the exam, so when it happened, I didn’t miss it out but I knew how to answer it. Year 9 student I liked using the important words to make concept maps as you could see how the ideas went together. Year 9 student There were a range of good activities for pupils with different learning styles. A very good resource that I feel will increase the number of pupils achieving Level 6+. Head of Department The think bubbles in the lesson plans make the thinking behind the activities clear, so you can use the same ideas when you are planning your own lessons. KS3 Co-ordinator
Want to know more? ASE Conference Jan 2008 (Liverpool) Science Learning Centre SW –9 th October (SLC Bristol)
Plenary What were the strategies you used to find out what the graphs were showing? What was the most useful strategy that helped you work out what was going on? How might this help you if you meet something like this again?
Your Task You have been asked to explain the science behind the Airblade to companies who are interested in buying it Create a storyboard to explain how the dryer works Use the frames to give you hints Remember to use information about forces, energy and particles