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Nearly everyone knows that seven-tenths of our planet’s surface is covered by water, seemingly an inexhaustible supply of earth’s five billion people. But the alarming fact is that 97 percent of that water is saline and unusable, leaving just 3 percent to nourish and sustain all terrestrial life. Moreover the world’s human population continues to explode, while the supply of fresh water remains constant. Just how this life-giving resource will be conserved and apportioned in the future is one of the greatest problems we will have to deal with.
In northern Greece there are a lot of big rivers that spring from other Balkan countries ( the Evros, the Nestos, the Strymonas) and also big lakes ( Prespes, Volvi, Doraini). The biggest rivers which have their sources in Greece are the Aliakmonas and the Acheloos. All rivers have male names which shows their fertilization ability. The water of Greek rivers and lakes is drinkable, an advantage in comparison to other countries.
In the areas of Sterea Ellada and Thessalia there is shortage of water and according to scientists these areas will face the danger of desertification in the future. The main reasons are: Excessive use of water for irrigation activities in agriculture. The farmers are forced to pump out more ground water. The average depth of a well can be 450 m. In the past big lakes such as Kopaida, Karla and Xeniada were drained so that more land for cultivation to be given to farmers.
Water is polluted by the industrial, toxic waste dumped into rivers and lakes. Also the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides in agriculture result in high concentrations of nitrogen in the ground water. The climate change and long periods of drought. Environmental reasons such as the destruction of forests because of fires during summer. The construction of costly water network systems for water transportation form a long distance to supply big cities and big hydroelectrical dams which consume large amounts of water.
Take action and measures for a wiser water management mainly in agriculture. Construction of artificial lakes and restoration of the already drained lakes. Strict laws and punishment for the industries and farmers that pollute lakes and rivers with waste and rubbish. The shortage of water is more intense in most islands of the Aegean Sea where desalination is suggested, converting salt water into fresh, though it can be an expensive process.
Water household conservation by water recycling and in some cases water harvesting can help reduce the problem. Public awareness from an early age through formal education and campaigns for respect and rational consumption of water. Finally, technology can be a great contribution to solve the problem of fresh and clean water. But technology is only a partial answer. The real solution, like the problem, is mankind itself.