AoH Phase I Report Outline AoH Meeting, Salt Lake City September 21-22, 2004 Air Resource Specialists, Inc.
AoH Workgroup Report Concept Supporting Reports (Web-based) Summary Report (Hardcopy and Web-based)
Gateway Report (1) Printed and PDF Final Report, focusing more on RESULTS than TOOLS Introduction/Problem Statement –Discuss AoH Project Phases 1 & 2 –Regional Haze Rule –SIPs and TIPs –How to use this report to support RHR, SIPs and TIPs
Gateway Report (2) Process of the AoH Work Group –Describe the process used by the work group to arrive at specific methods and conclusions –Describe the overall accomplishments of the work group – what were the successes, what was tried but didn’t succeed –Other?
Gateway Report (3) Phase I Data Set Descriptions –Describe underlying emissions inventories used by RMC –Describe modeling outputs and various products generated by RMC –Describe IMPROVE monitoring data and the various products generated by DRI under the COHA project –Describe uncertainties in all data sets and characterize level of confidence in final products
Gateway Report (4) Regional Issues –Describe the effects of regional events Asian/African dust events Wide-spread fire events (U.S., Canada, or Mexico) Uncommon meteorological events –Describe regional issues which are identified in the monitoring data or modeling results
Gateway Report (5a) Summary of Results by States and Tribes “Who’s affecting your CIAs?...” –Individual chapters for each state, and for each tribal class I area –Using TSSA and Trajectory Regression, identify major source categories and regions affecting each CIA –Describe the model-based apportionment between natural and anthropogenic emissions –Identify clusters as appropriate based on similar emissions source categories/regions, modeling results and monitoring data
Gateway Report (5b) Summary of Results by States and Tribes “… and what CIAs are you affecting?” –Reorganization of TSSA attribution results to group together the effects of specific states outside their borders –Review of emission inventory maps at the state/county/tribal/grid cell level (?) –Assessment of whether results will make a difference – how does AoH want this question answered?
Gateway Report (6) Recommendations for Phase II –Describe how changes from 2002 interim to final EIs during Phase II will affect the reliability and completeness of the modeling results –Describe what is expected to be gained by additional COHA results, available in Phase II –Describe deficiencies (e.g., EI coverage, etc.) in Phase I and how those can be overcome in Phase II –Describe what results are reasonable to expect from Phase II –Other recommendations not yet foreseen
Class I Area Supporting Reports (1) Web-based supporting reports for each federal and tribal class I area, grouped by state and tribe Where appropriate, supporting reports will link directly to relevant information: –Example: Yosemite CIA report will link to COHA reports for summary of monitoring data, meteorological description, etc. ARS assembled and interpreted CIA summaries: –Example: Integration of TSSA and Trajectory Regression results for each CIA
Class I Area Supporting Reports (2) Detailed topics for inclusion: –Emissions source categories and regions (Attribution results from TSSA and Trajectory Regression analyses) –Apportionment of natural and anthropogenic emissions –Mass and extinction budgets –Discussion of uncertainties in these analyses –Source attribution implications (regional, state, local, episodic) –Equity issues (?)