Workshop 12/04/2006AT/MTM SM18 Test Facility A. Siemko "Workshop on Test Facilities and measurement equipment needed for the LHC exploitation"
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Outline u Expected Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u Expected MAR Project Needs u Teams to perform the cold tests u 1 st estimate of infrastructure needs u Conclusions
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 u The series tests of the LHC magnets in SM18 test facility are expected to be completed beginning u The test facility will then be modified to support the accelerator exploitation. SM18 Test Facility at present in future
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u During hardware commissioning and further machine exploitation there will be intermittent (most probably) need to replace cryo- magnets due to: u Performance failures u Cryo and vacuum integrity u Electrical integrity u Quench performance u Beam-related accidents
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u During hardware commissioning and machine exploitation there will be recurrent need to test and retest the spare magnets u Qualification of newly assembled magnet units (MS and DS) u Qualification of magnets after repair u Retest after long duration storrage
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u Extended performance studies will have to be performed - as it is expected - at the request of the AB teams and AT equipment owners u Extended Performance Studies u Quench performance studies u Electrical integrity studies u Cryo and vacuum integrity studies u Magnetic field performance studies
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u Quench Performance Studies not performed during the series tests u Quench performance limitation due to the beam losses u Quench performance limitation due to the cooling limitations u Re-assessment of the performance if questionable during hardware commissioning and exploitation
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u Electrical Integrity Studies u Long term stability and limitation u Reproduce at laboratory level issues encountered in the machine. Study solutions. u R&D on new diagnostic techniques u Cryo-Integrity Studies not performed during the series tests u Thermal tests: heat loads - static vs. dynamic, efficiency etc. u Mechanical studies to assess the mechanical and vacuum limitations
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Hardware Commissioning And Machine Exploitation Needs u Extended Magnetic Field Performance Studies u Precision transfer function measurements u Impact of powering history on field quality u Stability of harmonics u Stability of field direction vs. mechanical stability u Dynamic effects u Cold alignment u Corrector’s performance and alignment u R&D on new magnetic measurement techniques
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Expected MAR Project Needs u Standard performance tests and measurements will have to be performed on newly assembled magnets and magnets after repair u Certification or re-certification of magnets before installation u Extended performance studies at request of equipment owners
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Particular issues related to different magnet types u Arc magnets u Spare policy: u Substantial number of spares will be available at startup of LHC u But: u Knowledge of magnet performance towards efficient commissioning and reaching the LHC nominal luminosity is limited. u Need to perform extended performance tests on a number of spare magnets u Field quality – FAME for FIDEL u Power tests – beam induced quench levels u Expected at present rate of magnets to be repaired and re- qualified for the tunnel use seems to be very limited
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Particular issues related to different magnet types u Insertion magnets u Spare policy: u Spare magnets and all other components are available to cover the needs of one Dispersion Suppressor (3 units) and one Matching Section (4 units). Any SSS from Q4 to Q10 can be assembled and replaced. Expected production duration of a new unit at best in 4-6 weeks. u Almost all individual spare magnets will be cold tested in B4 u In case of performance failure in the machine the insertion magnets will stay on the critical path for the HC and operation u We will need an efficient rescue and cold test facility operational all time during commissioning and accelerator exploitation
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Test of magnets after repair Radioprotection issues u A designated cluster which permits to work with the risk of exposure must be allocated and equipped for the purpose of retesting of the activated magnets (subject not studied yet) u Protection of the personnel u Protection of the environment u Monitoring of the dose rates u Local shielding u Use of personal protective equipment u All personnel must be trained for this specific work
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Cold tests of Separation Dipoles and Low-β Quads u Adaptation/modification of the test benches needs to be studied
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Equipment Dedicated to Separation Dipoles and Low-β Quads u Dedicated test Equipment for Separation Dipoles and Low-β Quads needs to be studied
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Teams to perform the cold tests u At present u Transport, preparation of magnets, their installation on the test benches and removal work is presently executed by external contractor (ICS) u Cryogenic test preparation and operation is presently executed by external contractor (ALLS) u Routine cold tests and measurements are presently executed exclusively by external Indian collaborators and temporarily detached AB operators u Special tests and measurements are assured by MTM and ACR experts
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Teams to perform the cold tests u In future u The external contractor’s know-how and relevant tooling must be re-in sourced to CERN teams (plus associated FSU’s) before the end of the present contracts u Key CERN experts should be identified and/or trained (mechanical, electrical, electro-mechanical, vacuum, cryogenics technicians). Know-how transfer from US Labs should be included u The competence of the CERN cold test expert technicians and engineers should be preserved and integrated in the future extended performance tests and/or repair and retest activities u Cryo operation from CCC needs to be studied
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April st estimate of infrastructure needs - proposal u 8 stands ought to be available for testing any of the LHC arc and insertion magnet sets u 1 stand for MB/Arc SSS power tests (existing) u 1 stand for DS/MS power tests (existing) u 1 stand for Separation dipoles (adaptation/modification to be studied) u 1 stand for Low-b quadrupoles (adaptation/modification to be studied) u 2 stands for magnets with the risk of exposure (adaptation/modification to be studied) u 2 stands for FAME project (existing)
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April st estimate of infrastructure needs - proposal u It is economically favorable to maintain the present size of the SM18 magnet test facility rather then to decommission part of it u Remaining test stands can be put on stand-by to be ready for: u Unforeseen major retest needs, u GSI magnet tests? u Planned OSQAR experiment. u LHC upgrade programmes u Possible SPS/PS « supra » upgrade
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Possible SM18 layout after series tests Activated magnets DS/MS Low-β Sep. Dip. MB/SSS power tests FAME A B C D E F OSQAR Exp. FAME
A. Siemko AT-MTM Workshop – 12 April 2006 Conclusions u SM18 test facility can fulfill all major cold test needs of LHC magnets related to: u MAR Project u and also for the LHC exploitation u Required resources must still be defined in details and ….allocated