Officer Training Alameda, CA 18 Jan. 2009
√ Recruiting √ Interpersonal Conduct √ Leadership √ Civil Rights √ Finance √ Operations √ Legal √ Awards √ AUXMIS √ Leadership Communications Hey, It’s been a long day, I want to go.
How Do I…? survive in this job? do better than my predecessors? do what I need to do? I find some answers? get help? win the outstanding Flotilla Trophy?
Meetings! Purpose –Do we need to have this meeting? –What do we want to accomplish? Agenda –Written, published ahead of meeting. Standing Rules for unit. Robert’s Rules of Order.
Agenda Flotilla 15-2 Meeting 20 Jan St Michael’s Basilica Nave –Call to order –Pledge of Allegiance –Approval of Dec. Minutes –Committee Reports –Staff Reports –Old Business –New Business Budget for 2009 Goals for 2009 –Good of the Auxiliary –Adjournment
Agenda Flotilla 15-1 Meeting 20 Jan Paradise Sr. Center Rm. 3 –Call Meeting to Order –Pledge –Annual SHP Training –Annual OPS Workshop –Annual 1 hr TCT –Annual IT Workshop –2100 Adjournment
Survival Good Sense of Humor Briefcase with reference material –Or Laptop with PDF versions Leadership Credibility Plan Goals Selecting Staff
Survival Briefcase AUXMAN (M F) OPS Policy Manual (M E) District Policy Manual Flotilla Procedures Guide (M ) Division Procedures Guide (P ) Standing Rules (District, Division, Flotilla) Robert’s Rules of Order Important Phone Numbers (roster) Flags
Where do I Find It? AUXMAN (M F) –Every member should have a copy. –Available on-line: District Policy Manual –Every member should have a copy. –Used to come from DIRAUX, now on-line.
Operations OPS Policy Manual (M E) –CD recently sent to Coxswains –New issued 5 Apr 2005 CGAUX Aviation Training Text (M A) AUX Boat Crew Training Manual (M )
D113 Web Site
Leadership Training AUXLAM –Intended for FC AMLOC –Intended for DCP ASOC –Intended for RCO, VCO ‘N’ books & papers on Leadership
Training Use your FSO-MT & SO-MT What do the members want? What do they need? Required workshops & seminars! Can it be fun as well as educational? Can we coordinate this at Div Level? We don’t have an Instructor for …
REPORTS Unnecessary, because I don’t want anyone to know what WE are doing. Great detail is unneeded. Please don’t read them at Division or District Meetings. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
MT2 Form
ANSC7014 IT Qual
OPS Training Can be done at Flotilla, Division, or Dist. Mentoring at Flotilla Level For some evolutions, need two boats.
Ethics Do the right thing because it is right. Stay within the bounds of the AUXMAN
Train a Replacement Who in the Flotilla would make a good FC? What can I do to help that person?