Welcome Year 3 Curriculum Information Pack
Curriculum Map RE School Mission Statement study Aspects of Revelation, The Church, Celebration and Life in Christ English New National Curriculum to include reading, writing, speaking & listening, spelling, comprehension, grammar and punctuation Topic based work Maths New National Curriculum to include number (place value, addition/subtraction/multiplication/division and fractions) measurement, geometry, statistics, problem solving and mental arithmetic Topics Super Humans Stone Age Robots Romans Growing Science Animals including humans Rocks Forces and magnets Light Plants PE Swimming Gymnastics Games Dance Athletics
Other information Medical Please ensure up to date inhalers are in school and please be advised that medicines (other than inhalers) are not permitted to be administered by staff. First aiders are on hand for accidents and injuries. Music lessons Your child can have extra music lessons in school (during lesson time) with an outreach teacher. The music service offers various instruments including keyboard, guitar, flute and singing lessons. If your child would like to learn an instrument, please contact the school office. Parents’ Evenings There will be two parents’ evenings a year; Autumn and Spring terms. The end of year report will replace the parents’ evening in the Summer term. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please feel free to contact the school office to make an appointment with either Mrs Morrison or Mrs Dodd. Your child will receive progress reports on a regular basis and a more detailed report in the Summer Term. Other Information The Wednesday Word is available in school every week and will be sent home on a rolling programme. In Key Stage 2, children are expected to adhere to the behaviour policy regarding red and yellow cards (see school website for more details). Moreover, we continually praise good behaviour and work with positive strategies such as star and focus of the week. If your child wishes to bring in a water bottle, please ensure it is clearly named. Any information/money for the school office should be brought into class in a named envelope.