Week 9: Technology and Media in Everyday Life CARRIE GILCHRIST
Activity Part I: Identifying Technology in Our Lives Professional Family Social Academic Technology
Activity Part II: Walking Diagram Students stand side by side in a straight line A list of 10 statements and questions are read out loud to the students Students take one step forward for each statement/question that applies to them Standing or sitting where they end up in the diagram, facilitate a discussion about how they think their connection to technology has impacted their lives in the areas they identified in the venn diagram in the previous activity
Activity Part II: Walking Diagram 1. I have always had internet access at my home. 2. I was 10 years old or younger when I got my first cell phone. 3. Most of my conversations with my friends take place through texting. 4. I have my own computer to use at OU, rather than using computer labs. 5. When writing a research paper, I do my research online, rather than using the books at the library. 6. I have an account on more than one social networking site. 7. I know what’s in the news primarily by watching tv and through social media. 8. When I sleep, my phone is within reach, no further away than the nightstand. 9. When I spend time with my friends, in person, I spend part of our time together using my phone to text someone else, view social media, etc. unrelated to the conversation or activity I’m participating in with my in-person friends. 10. I am extremely selective about what information I share on social media.
Activity Part III: Interviews Ask students to identify various forms of communication in two categories: With Technology and Without Technology Give students a topic about which to interview each other – does not have to be related to technology! For example, their hometowns, high school activities, dream vacation, etc. Each student will do two interviews in two styles using one method from each category, With Technology and Without Technology Facilitate a discussion about students’ thoughts and experiences relating to interviewees and interviewers using the various methods
Activity Part IV: Tech-less Challenge Students pick a Tech-less Challenge level to complete during the week: 1. Turn your cell phone off and suspend use of social media for four hours 2. Turn your cell phone off and suspend use of social media for eight hours 3. Turn your cell phone off and suspend use of social media for 24 hours 4. Cell phone off, suspend social media, no television for eight hours 5. Cell phone off, suspend social media, no television for 24 hours 6. Suspend use of all technology for 24 hours (phone, computers, tv, radio, ipod, etc. ) Students will write a reflection about what it was like to complete the challenge. What challenge level did you choose and why? Why did you avoid choosing the other levels? What were your thoughts while completing the challenge? How did you feel about it? Did your attitude or actions toward technology change after completing the challenge? Explain. Discuss in class the following week.