Path to Leadership Basic Ministry Skills Crisis Management
Crisis Management Could Involve… Extensive building damage due to fire or storm An unexpected financial crisis A serious crime committed on church property The sudden death of a ministerial staff member A scandal involving a ministerial staff member Path to Leadership
Basics of Crisis Management 1.Timing: Get Started Processing the Problem Quickly – it’s a crisis Move quickly to get help dealing with the media (the first hours after the crisis first breaks are extremely important, because the media often build upon the information in the first hours) On the other hand, Buy some time: Don’t act or speak too hastily Path to Leadership
Basics of Crisis Management 2.Form a Deacon Crisis Management Team 3.Answer: Do we need to contact our attorney? 4.Seek Divine guidance 5.Assess the situation Path to Leadership
Basics of Crisis Management 5.Communicate with key leadership 6.Prepare to deal with the media – Have one competent spokes- person – Get help from an attorney or from the LeaderCare office at State Convention Path to Leadership
Basics of Crisis Management 9.Communicate with the congregation… you may not need to tell every detail, but you can’t keep secrets from the church 10.Follow-through for healing of members/victims where needed – If we have injured a party, it’s our job to make them whole – This may be a long-term process – Long interims may be needed Path to Leadership
Framing the Situation What are the exact facts? What don’t we know yet? Who are the players? What emotions do we need to cope with? Anger, grief, victimization? List advantages and disadvantages we have Consider: How would we address each aspect of the situation? Path to Leadership
Framing the Situation What Biblical standards do we need to uphold? What do our bylaws say about it? What are our legal options? How do we need to be redemptive? What resources do we need to allocate? How do we need to be Christian about this? Path to Leadership