Biomat (LV, 20 Pa) Uncoated coccolith (LV, 20 Pa) JSM-7001F-LV - Applications
Tin oxide on tin Carbon nanotube JSM-7001F-LV - Applications
EBSD grain orientation map of Mo (Ti,Zr) alloy Fe L WDS map of polished thin section of ore JSM-7001F-LV - Applications
MultiBeam JIB-4500 FIB Ion source Ga liquid metal ion Acc. Voltage 1 to 30kV (in steps) Magnification 30x (wide view) 100x to 300,000x Max. beam current 30 nA (at 30kV) SEM Beam source LaB 6 Acc. Voltage 0.3 to 30 kV (in steps) Magnification 5x to 300,000x Max. beam current 1000 nA (at 30 kV) Goniometer stage X: 76 mm; Y: 76 mm; Z: 5 to 48mm T: -10 to 90º; R: 360º endless Vacuum pump SIP (x2), TMP/RP (x2)
Features and Functions of SEM/FIB Features High speed milling, large ion beam current High resolution ion column Simultaneous milling & image observation Bitmap milling for various shapes 3D view (S 3 TM ) High utility specimen chamber High performance SEM column with LaB 6 Confidential Functions 1.Progressive sectioning (slice and view) 2.Nanomachining 3.Site-specific preparation of TEM sections
Simultaneous Milling & Imaging Volkert et al, MRS Bulletin 32, May, 2007
FIB and Micromachining Mayer et al, MRS Bulletin 32, May, 2007
FIB and Micromachining Mayer et al, MRS Bulletin 32, May, 2007
Neuron cage (Meng) – 6490, SEI, 1 kV
Neuron cage (Meng) – Video
Emitter tip Tip radius less than 200nm Milling time : 2h Specimen : Si Bitmap Milling for Various Shapes Confidential
Types of Research Supported Biological and biomedical Bio and non-bio nanoscience Materials science / Chemistry / Physics Earth science / geo / geo-bio Electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering Physics Dental science Pharmacological
Access / Scheduling / Rates Open to all USC users Supported by two full-time staff plus post-doc Web-based sign-up at Rates (present) $45/hr self-use $75/hr with operator
Rates – EM Labs Nationwide “The median fee for internal and external users in academic organizations was $65 and $150, respectively. “ Source: Microscopy Today, July 2007 $150 $65
Break Even Capacity - BEC Assume 4 EMs, 2 techs, operating 8/5 and charging $50/hr Requires utilization of 52% to break even Source: Microscopy Today, July 2007
Summary Many thanks to Provost Much work left to do Stronger infrastructure to be built Comments and suggestions welcome