Entrepreunerial Mobilization for Innovation Ricardo Felizzola – HT MICRON
INNOVATION VIRTUOUS CYCLE OF Environment with legal certainty and institutional efficiency NEW CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Investiment on R&D Partnerships and Transactions INNOVATION NEW SOLUTION [product/ service commercially available ] + COMPETITIVITY + + ENTREPREUNERSHIP +
NATIONAL EXPENDITURE ON R&D as percentage of GDP(%) Selected Countries
Brazil -Trade Balance(US$ Billions) Fonte: SECEX/MDIC. We have an unfavourable trade balance
Brazil’s Challenge How to increase Business Expenditure on R&D trough public expenditure on R&D? 5
And what CNI has been doing ?
Aims to incorporate and improve Innovation Management in Brazilian enterprises as well as enhance the effectiveness of public instruments to promote innovation in the country. Mobilization of entrepreneurs and senior executives with the challenge of building an assertive agenda for innovation in Brazil
Premises 2. Innovation is a business agenda. 1. The innovation agenda has evolved. But there is still plenty to do. 3. The innovation agenda requires the support of enterprises and senior executives.
1. Make innovation a priority issue for the top management of enterprises 2. Encourage the active participation of business leaders 3. Contribute to the development of the National Initiative for Innovation 4. Improve public policies that promote innovation CHALLENGES
MEI: a public-private interaction example The Business Committee of MEI and the Government systematically discuss improvements to existing public promotion for innovation as well as strategies to increase the number of innovative enterprises in the country
The last MEI’s meeting has reunited 49 CEO’s from the most important companies from Brazil’s industrial sector and executives and authorities from public institutions such as MDIC, MCTI, BNDES, FINEP, CAPES, CNPQ, ABDI, APEX,CGEE and other partner institutions.
MEI has conquered an outstanding role for Brazil’s Innovation strengthening Positive and open Forum for dialogue between private and public sector Efective envolvement of Industry leadership and Government Sinergy of expectations and objectives Capacity of mobilization of industry entrepreneurs and estrategic players Holding of events for sensibilization (Innovation Summit, Innovation Award) Credibility and pragmatism on public policy proposals Strategic asset for enhacement of Brazil’s performance on Innovation Fundamental to achieve Innovation National targets
VISION Be the catalyst mobilization of private and public initiatives to strengthen innovation in Brazi Vision
MISSION Increase innovation of established industry in Brazil Mission
Business Innovation strengthening Coordination and Innovation Management Environment and Skills for Innovation Contributions to the improvement of policies for Innovation Foster the creation of new technology-based companies Increase the competitiveness of enterprises through innovation Expand private investment on innovation Strengthen innovation in corporate strategy Develop proposals to expand public funding for innovation Develop proposals for the improvement of Innovation’ s Legal Framework Develop proposals to promote the use of Biodiversity Develop proposals to strengthen the Intellectual Property Internalize best practices in innovation management in companies Search overcoming solutions of " barriers to innovation " in business Improve mechanisms of coordination of innovation and consolidation of partnerships Develop communication strategy ( internal and external) Increase the engagement of business leaders in promoting innovation Develop the environment and the "culture of innovation " in business Share and manage knowledge on innovation Ensure the availability of skills that promote innovation
PRIORITIES OF MEI’S 2015 AGENDA 1.Modernization of Legal Framework 2.Improvement of Financing System 3.Structuring Projects on R&D 4.Pre Competitive R&D Projects 5.Internationalization of Enterprises 6.Atraction, Development and Retention of R&D Centers 7.Human Resources for Innovation (engineering). 8.Intelectual Property 9.Bioeconomy 10. R&D for Startups and SMEs Policy proposals to foster INNOVATION 2015
MEI’s Time Line MEI’s Creation First MEI’s Business Leaders Committee Meeting Innovation Manifest 1st Brazilian Industry Innovation Summit MEI’s Innovation Agenda: Public Policy and Private Initiative Structuring of the innovation center’s network Law N° /2010 Law /2010 MCT/FINEP – PRO- INOVA 10 Points Agenda of Innovation 4th Brazilian Industry Innovation Summit MEI’s Strategic Planning Meeting with President Lula Meeting with President Dilma Emprapii Inova Empresa Inova Talentos Innovation Award - with SEBRAE Launch of MEI’s Dialogue Meeting with President Dilma MEI’s Strategic Planning ( ) Constitucional Amendment N°85/2015 New Legal framework for Access to Biodiversity
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