Watercolor Media Specification Jeremy Shopf 10/3/06
Characteristics Vivid Color Transparent, composited layers Unpainted light regions Texture from paper and diffusion Winslow Homer – “Guide carrying a deer”
Paint and Medium Pigment diffused in water is applied to the medium (typically paper) in layers Pigments and amount of dilution controls the level of transparency Texture of the medium impacts final appearance There is no “white” watercolor –Areas are typically unpainted –Opaque white is occasionally used
Processes Wash –Area of uniform color Glaze –Layering of detail/darkening –Compositing color Wet-in-Wet –Paint with water and then apply paint –Creates unpredictable results Dry Brush –Use a dry brush with thick paint to generate texture
Representative Image Charles Demuth – “Still life with apples and a green glass” Other artists: Cezanne, O’Keeffe, Audubon
Implications for Algorithms Fluid Simulation [Curtis97] –Darkening of boundaries –Uneven boundaries and color bleeding –Not necessarily required [Bousseau06] Rendering layered material –Kubela-Monk [Haase92, Curtis97] Texture of medium vs. type of technique [Bousseau06] Abstraction of detail [Bousseau06] –Detail added with pen-and-ink [Luft06]
Other Images Vincent Van Gogh “Fishing Boats on the Beach”
Other Images Paul Cezanne –“Still Life with Watermelon and Pomegranates”