With “Cookie”
Primary Colors The primary colors are:
They are called primary colors because they can not be mixed together with any other color to make themselves. The Primary colors are blue, yellow and red.
Secondary Colors The three secondary colors are:
Orange And…
Purple / Violet
When two primary colors are mixed together, they make a secondary color.
Is this primary or secondary?
Warm colors Cool colors Is this primary or secondary?
Warm colors Cool colors
Every color has a certain tendency towards what's called warm and cool.
WARM COLORS Red, yellow and orange are traditionally associated with warm or hot things, like the shining sun, a glowing sunset or a roaring fire. These colors tend to advance towards the viewer.
COLD COLORS You can see these kinds of colors in objects that are naturally cold: green trees, blue water and sky, violet clouds on a snowy day. Cold colors tend to recede into the background, to create a calm, quiet and moody effect.
Pablo Picasso
Paul Klee Are these warm or cool?
Which castle picture is warm?
Which castle picture is cool?
“Color in a picture is like enthusiasm in life.” - Vincent Van Gogh Are you ready to make
You will color in your castles made from shapes in either the cool colors or the warm colors.