1 The National Initiative for Older Workers in Norway ( ) European conference on promoting workplace health, Linz June 19th-20th, 2006 Center for senior policy, Norway Åsmund Lunde
2 Centre for Senior Policy
3 Center for Senior Policy established ”Owners”: the social partners. The biggest ones are represented in our board. Financed by funds from the Government (the last 5 years) Changed focus around 1990 from preparation for retirement to retaining older workers.
4 More information about CSP and older workers in Norway: OECD country report: ”Ageing and Emplyment Policies” Norway - English Annual report 2004 (handouts)
5 Tabel 1. Employment rates in the age groups years in selected OECD-countries Percentage (Employment/populatrion ratio) MenWomenTotal Iceland87,176,982,0 Sweden71,667,469,5 Norway73,262,7 68,0 New Zealand76,458,167,2 Switzerland76,753,865,1 Japan78,148,663,0 Denmark69,354,261,8 USA66,054,359,9 United Kongdom65,447,356,2 Mexico80,531,755,0 Finland51,550,451,0 Netherlands56,432,544,6 Germany48,829,839,2 France41,932,537,1 Hungary38,425,031,1 Italy42,219,630,5 Belgium39,321,130,1 Austria36,818,527,04 Soruce: OECD emplyment outlook, 2005
6 The National Initiative for Senior Workers march (The Government and the Social partners) Awareness raising of the older workers` resources and qualities. Stimulating an including and positive work environment for all age groups (stimulate age diversity) Establish a better coordination for senior policy among the social partners and the government.
7 The focus areas in The National Initiative for Senior Workers Mobilization of the social parners. Information and raising awareness. Test and development projects. (private, municipal and government sector) Research (network) Training and skills development -especially for professionals within the senior policy area
8 ”The tripartite agreement on a more inclusive workplace” October ) Reduce sickness absence by 20% in 4 years 2) Improve employment prospects for a greater number of employees with limited functional cap. 3)Increase participation rates for older workers ”The National Initiative for Senior Workers” was linked to the third objective of the IW. life.
9 Main focus on the third objective in The Tripartite Agreement Discrimination Competence development/ prevent obsolescence Management Challenge the myths/ knowledge about the relation between ageing and work Older workers`own attitudes
10 Priorities in the nearest future: Competence development for advicers in the workplace centres ( employees, NIS). Initiating a ”National Initiative” concerning basic digital skills for older workers. Research/ documentation concerning age discrimination especially with recruitment and use this for information/ communication Age management