April 28 高中进阶版 P4-5
Pre-reading P2P2 What do you know about Van Gogh? What do you know about Van Gogh’s Sunflowers?
Culture bites P3P3 Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853-July ) was a Dutch artist whose work had a far- reaching influence on 20th-century art. His output includes portraits, self portraits, landscapes and still lifes ( 静物画 ). Van Gogh drew as a child but did not paint until his late twenties. He completed many of his best-known works during the last two years of his life. After years of mental illness, he died at the age of 37 from a self-inflicted ( 加于自身的 ) gunshot wound.
Culture bites P4P4 Van Gogh’s masterpieces The Starry Night The Night Café Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear Wheatfield with Crows
While-reading P5P5 2. Why is the Sunflowers series all the more stunning? 1. What’s the difference between Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and many of his other works? Because the intended viewer of these paintings was Gauguin. Answer the following questions. Many of his paintings seem to pull you into his vision and world, but the sunflowers seem to reach out and communicate with you.
While-reading P6P6 3. Why did Van Gogh burst into enthusiasm to draw the Sunflowers? Answer the following questions. Because Gauguin finally confirmed he would be heading to Van Gogh’s studio. 4. How did Van Gogh create stunning effect in the Sunflowers? He used bold, unmixed colors against each other.
While-reading P7P7 1.Van Gogh did not use the color______ in his Sunflowers series. A. blue B. green C. red D. yellow Choose the best answer.
While-reading P8P8 2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A.Van Gogh painted more paintings during the final years of his life. B.Van Gogh painted at a furious pace to capture the sunflowers in nature. C.Van Gogh also used bold, unmixed colors in his later works. D.Van Gogh’s method of painting improved his painting skills. Choose the best answer.
Language study P9P9 1.Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of __________ art. 2.The plump ginger kitten had settled __________ in her arms and was purring enthusiastically. 3.This ware is suitable for decorative purpose but unsuitable for __________. 4.His original idea was good, but his __________ of the scheme was disastrous. Complete each sentence with the proper form of the given words. vi su al executevisionutilizecomfort comfo rtabl y ut il it y exec utio n
After-reading P10 What do you see in Van Gogh’s Sunflowers? Write an article to express your feelings about the paintings.