Walt King, Petroleum Engineer1 PTTC Simulation Users Group An Overview of the Exodus Simulation Computer Program October 23, 2003 Presented by Walt King, PE
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer2 Exodus Simulator Presentation General Overview. A little more detail. Data Input Helps. Debug Helps. Lets run some cases and take a look.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer3 EXODUS Reservoir Simulator for Microsoft Windows Designed for use with Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP. Graphical User Interface. Full on line help. Menu or Spreadsheet type data entry. Easy exchange between other Microsoft Windows Applications. Computer Assisted History Matching. 2D and 3D Visualization PLUS Animation Very User Friendly
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer4 General Description Fully Implicit, 3 phase, 3D, with 2 or more components Black oil (3 component) or Dry Gas (2 component), or Will Handle as many as 9 Miscible components – K value formulations. Field or Metric Units. Calendar Dates or Day numbers. Full Field or Automatic Generation of Pattern, or radial.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer5 General Description Continued Polymer or Alkali Surfactant Polymer flooding. Pressure Transient Analysis. Hydraulic Fracturing. (Template or Local Grid Refinement) Coal Bed Methane (with and w\o CO 2 and N 2 injection) Horizontal wells Water, Gas or CO 2 Flooding Dual Porosity/Dual Permeability
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer6 A Little More Detail Historical Data entry from Excel Spreadsheet or Commercial Source. Cell data input : Manual (direct entry, add, subtract,multiply, do “if”) Digitized map (s) Formula Exodus Interpolation Excel Spreadsheet Import from previously defined saved Reservoir data file. Computer Assisted History Matching Fluid Data Input: (up to 10 data sets) Manual for PVT data Import from previously saved PVT data file Excel Spreadsheet Built-in “Standing’s Correlation”
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer7 Even More Detail Relative Permeability (Saturation Functions) Manual Input from Special Core Analysis. Excel Spreadsheet. Built in “Honarpour & Larson-Hirasaki Correlations”. Computer assisted History matching. Rescale Function. Well Locations Manually From Excel Spreadsheet. Mouse Click X, Y, & Z Direction
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer8 More.. Time Dependent & Pressure Dependent Parameters. Program Execution: Run in foreground or background. Setup up to 10 files to run sequentially. Set up to compute now or later. Watch computation status on Status Menu. Watch production plot as computation progresses. Output Plots: Easy to setup plots yourself. Use Exodus predefined plots. Duplicate well plots using Template. Easy to Change output file being plotted.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer9 Still More… Tabular Well Reports Individual well by date. Group of wells on a given date. Wells by parameter by date. Summary of field or pre defined group of wells. Individualize your report by column parameter. Grid Display Utility 2 D or 3 D display. Animated display. Data display. Tabulation of Oil, Gas, Water in place by time.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer10 Where to Get Help Running the Program PetroStudies - Exodus User Course (Beginner & Intermediate). Computer user instruction manual-160 pages-Print or watch on screen. Movies Illustrating how to set-up and run various problems. Push F1 key for detailed help. Required items are CAPITALIZED or noted “R” (“O”=optional) Message Box makes suggestions when arrow touches cell. If data is outside of “envelope” or data does not fit computation conditions, screen message will “ping” and make suggestions.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer11 Getting Help Debugging your file Exodus makes a final check when you save Data file. Simulator Status File has Messages detailing run history and problems that occurred during the computation run. Cell error map shows which cells had problems computing and whether it was with oil, gas, or water phase. You can watch run in progress on status screen and see where simulator has difficulty converging.
Walt King, Petroleum Engineer12 Now… Lets Try Some Cases “Exodus Ignition” “Pre-Processor” - Input Data Primary Gas Production Waterflooding with a horizontal well Polymer Flood CO 2 Flood CBM Forecast Frac Model Local Grid Refinement