Nervous Tissue 刘尚明 武玉玲
Multipolar neuron: Cross section of spinal cord of dog. This specimen is elliptic in shape. In the center of it there is a H shaped structure, the gray matter, stained deeply. 1. Gray matter 2. White matter
Low mag: Spinal cord
Low power: The multipolar neurons can be found in the anterior horns of the gray matter. The cell bodies can be round or ovoid. The other smaller and round nucleus are the nucleus of glial cell. 1. Multipolar neuron 2. The nucleus of glial cell 1 2
High power: The nucleus is large, round, palely stained, centrally located and with a prominent nucleolus. The cytoplasm contains many granular areas, the Nissl bodies, stained in dark blue color. 1. Nucleus 2. Nucleolus 3. Nissl body 4. Axon hillock
High power: Multipolar neuron 1. Soma 2. Neurite 3. The nucleus of glial cell 1 2 3
1 23 High power: Multipolar neuron 1. the nucleus 2. dendrite 3. axon
Section of myelinated nerve fiber (H&E stain) This is a section of dog sciatic nerve. It is stained in red color. The elongated structure is the longitudinal section and the round, the cross section.
Low power: This is the longitudinal section, the whole nerve is encapsulated in a dense connective tissue covering, the epineurium. Many parallel cord shaped structures can be seen, they are the myelinated nerve fibers and stained in purple- red color. 1. Nerve fiber 2. Epineurium 1 2
Cross section of nerve fiber: 1. Epineurium 2. Perineurium 1 2
High power: longitudinal section 1.Node of Ranvier 2.axon: appears as a thread shaped, centrally located structure, stained in purple- red color. 3.Myelin sheath: envelopes the axon, stained in light red color or presenting a foamy appearance. 4. neurolemma : the thin thread beside the myelin sheath. And you can see the nucleus of Shchwann’s cell is elongated and located approximately halfway between 2 adjacent nodes and appear to lie in indentation of the myelin. : nucleus of Shchwann’s cell
Cross section: Each nerve fiber appears as a round structure. The central dot shaped structure is the axon, which is surrounded by myelin sheath, stained in very light color or being foamy. The nucleus of Schwann’s cell presents a round shape. 1. Axon 2. Myelin sheath 3. Neurilemma 4. Perineurium
Cross section: 1. axon 2. Myelin sheath 3. Neurilemma 4. Perineurium
Meissner corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscles: Section of human skin. The epidermis is stained deeply, which is made up of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. The dermis is stained lightly, which is composed of connective tissue.
Low power: Meissner corpuscles are located in the dermal papillae, they are elongated structures composed of a thick connective capsule. They usually oval shaped. 1. Meissner corpuscle 1
High power: 1. Meissner corpuscle: it is enveloped by connective tissue, with a few layers of pinacocyte in it, which constitute the connective tissue cradle of the tactile corpuscle. 1
Vater-Pacini corpuscles: can be found in the deep layer of the dermis. You can see an oval corpuscle with many layers of concentric arranged pinacocytes.
Motor end plate: Spread preparation of skeletal muscle of cat, gold chloride stain. Low power: The muscle fibers are stained in brown color, but the nerve ending, in black. The neural element is claw shaped structure, attached to the surface of muscle fiber. 1. Muscle fiber 2. Motor end plate 1 2
High power: The claw shaped ending of the motor end plate is usually expanded as a button. 1. Motor end plate 1
Cerebra: This section is part of brain hemisphere. Low power: the cerebra is covered by connective tissue. the leptomeninges ( ). The hyperchromatic tissue is the cortex, and the light stained tissue in the deep part is the medulla. Cortex is composed of all kinds of nerve cells, and can divide into 6 layers. To distinguish the 6 layers is not easy in this section, but you can distinguish the shape of the pyramidal cell, with a tip facing the surface of the cortex. 1. Cortex 2. Pyramidal cell 1 2
High power: The nucleus of the nerve cell is round and light stained. The nucleus of glial cell is small and dark stained. 1.Nucleus of nerve cell. 2.Nucleus of glial cell 1 2
Cerebellum: Distinguish the cortex and the medulla of the cerebellum. There are three layers in the cortex, the molecular layer, the Purkinje cell layer and the granular layer. The cells in the molecular layer and the granular layer is difficult to distinguish. But the Prrkinje cell is big and easy to recognise. 1.Molecular layer 2.Purkinje cell layer 3.Granular layer 4.Medulla
High power: To observe the construction features of the Purkinje cell. 1.Purkinje cell 1
Cerebellum: Stained with silver nitrate in order to observe the form of the Purkinje cells. Please pay attention to the branch of the dendrite. 1.Purkinje cell 1
Spinal ganglion: Low power: The ganglion cells are separated by parallel nerve fiber, and form a cells group. 1.Myelinated nerve fiber 2.Ganglion cell 1 2
High power : Spinal ganglion Cells are inequality of size, and have one big and round nucleus, which is light stained, with a evident nucleolus. There is a layer of flat cells around the ganglion cell, the satellite cell, the nucleus of which is small and dark stained. 1.Ganglion cell 2.Satellite cell 1 2
Sympathetic ganglion: Low power: The size of the neuron in the sympathetic ganglion is small and similar. 1. Ganglion cell 1
High power: The ganglion cells are scattered, the nucleus of which is often at one side. You can not see the neurite in the section. 1.Ganglion cell 1