JDF Toolkits for JDF and JMF Niels Böger
JDF Library and API Read, write, work with JDF and JMF files Additional high-level routines –spawn / merge MIME handling Networking
JDF Library and API JDFLibC – C++ –Windows: VisualC++ 8 (main), VC6 / VC7.1 –Mac OS X: Xcode 2.4.1, CodeWarrior –Linux: makefiles (last update: 2002) JDFLibJ – Java –compiled with Java 1.4 (Java 1.5 incoming) –used extensively by CIP4‘s JDF tools
CIP4 JDF Editor Visual editor for JDF and JMF files –Views: input/output, process, localized capabilities, comments –Validates: Capabilities XML Schema –Sends JDF Binaries for Mac and Windows
CIP4 JDF Editor
CIP4 JDF Utilities CheckJDF –Check validity of JDF files (online and on the command line) FixJDF –Update a JDF file to another version
CIP4 JDF Utilities
Elk “application framework providing services needed by a JDF device” –Send and receive JMF –Send and receive JDF –Job queue –Execute JDF nodes –… Reference implementation: elk-press
Alces Tool for testing JDF software JDF Controller / Manager
Bambi „simple Elk“ Pull workflows MIS proxy worker „need job“
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