Navigating Irvington with the counselors Student Health and Wellness
Leilani Velasquez 9 th grade counselor College and Career Specialist: Linda Kimmel Last Names (10 th -12 th graders): A-Ga: Ms. Velazco Ge-L: Ms. Bennett M-Se: Ms. Mintey Sh-Z: Ms. Serrano Your Counselors
Best ways for PARENTS to contact a counselor: Ask yourself if the issue can be addressed by the student during lunch or after school Having your student ask questions pertaining to their education teaches personal responsibility (School Wide Outcome) and is a great way for the student to get to know their counselor. Send an Contact information can be found on Counselors have access to more frequently than their phone resulting in a quicker response time. Call your counselor Contact information can be found on Due to large caseloads, walk-in appointments for parents cannot be accommodated.
A survey of students this past spring conducted by Dr. Slavin of St. Loius University’s Medical School revealed high rates of depression and anxiety symptoms in students in all grade levels students surveyed: 60% of the had moderate to severe symptoms of depression 80% had moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety Biggest stressors reported by students: feelings of pressure to get into the best college possible pressure to maintain a high grade point average overwhelming time pressures (too much homework, too many activities) The Concern
To accomplish this, we look at 5 aspects: 1.Family 2.Self 3.Extra-curricular 4.Academics 5.Social Goal: To help students become healthy, joyful, mentally tough, academically competitive and well-rounded.
What PARENTS can do to promote health and wellness for the student: Be supportive of your child’s abilities Be a cheerleader Help your child with independence and personal responsibility (careful of micro-managing) Spend quality time together Research college options, career choices, school activities, etc. WITH your student. Resource: The city of Fremont’s website ( has information regarding upcoming events, classes, and service opportunities. Family
What PARENTS can do: Make sure your child eating healthy enough and sleeping enough (at least 8 hours!) Ask yourself: Is your child happy and enjoying high school? Is your child able to ask for help when needed? Is your child challenging themselves to the best of their abilities? Help promote personal responsibility and independence (Ex: encourage your child to talk to their teacher/counselor/etc. instead of ing them) Be a cheerleader for your child Resource: Counselors can assist in connecting students to appropriate outside resources if needed. Self
What PARENTS can do: Help your child pursue a hobby Reduces stress Help your child choose your extracurricular activities based on what they love Students excel the most in activities they enjoy and find rewarding. It is better to excel in one or two areas than to have a superficial list of many activities. Quality versus quantity Resource: has information on clubs, athletics, and community service activities Extra-curricular Activities
What PARENTS can do: Help your child choose appropriate classes based on their ability level. No two students are the same Students feel good about themselves when they are doing well in their classes Be realistic about what your child can handle with the other activities that they participate in. Balance/ Time management It is better to excel in one or two areas than to have a superficial list of many activities Help your child consider all post-secondary options College fit (not every student belongs at Berkeley or Ohlone) Recent studies have shown no advantages in earning after graduating from less elite colleges. Resource: Our college and career center offers college presentations, peer tutoring after school, and more! Academics
What PARENTS can do: Encourage your child to choose friends that will be supportive and positive. Promote organized sports and community service Keeps students off electronic devices Establish tech free zones and times at home Help your child identify a social activity where they will thrive. IHS has over 70 clubs, band, sports, performing arts, boom squad, school dances, rallies, LINK crew, yearbook, school newspaper, student government, service learning. Resource: has information on clubs, sports, upcoming events, etc. Social
What’s the theme? Studen t Family Self Social Academics Extra- Curricular The 5 aspects are connected and intertwine