INtopFORM Learning Outcomes QUESTIONINGStudents ask questions that facilitate the solution of problems and the pursuit of opportunities. SEEKINGStudents identify information sources appropriate to questions of interest. EVALUATINGStudents apply critical thinking skills in evaluating information, information sources, and their own search processes. USINGStudents accumulate, synthesize and/or create information to address questions of interest. COMMUNICATINGStudents communicate information effectively RECOGNIZINGStudents recognize the responsibilities and consequences related to information ethics and intellectual property.
Seeking “Students identify information sources appropriate to questions of interest.” Identify what kind and how much information is needed. Access information efficiently and effectively
Students who excel at seeking… Explore general information sources to increase familiarity with the topic
Students who excel at seeking… Identify a variety of types and formats of potential sources of information
Students who excel at seeking… Recognize that information comes from many sources, both academic and non-academic, and that different kinds of information are appropriate for different needs. Identify the purpose and audience of potential resources Popular vs. scholarly, current vs. historical, primary vs. secondary
Students who excel at seeking… Recognize that knowledge can be organized into disciplines that influence the way information is accessed.
Students who excel at seeking… Recognize that existing information can be combined with original thought, experimentation, and/or analysis to produce new information and, that sometimes information may be constructed with raw data from primary sources
Students who excel at seeking… Determine availability of needed information and make decisions about broadening or narrowing information- gathering
Students who excel at seeking… Define a realistic plan and timeline to acquire and synthesize (USE) needed information
Students who excel at seeking… Identify and select the most appropriate investigative methods for accessing needed information
Students who excel at seeking… Select efficient and effective approaches for accessing information -Research plan -Keywords, synonyms, and related terms -Controlled vocabulary specific to the discipline or retrieval source -Various information retrieval systems, as needed -Online or in person services to get help and support -Extract, record and manage information and its sources
Search Comparison
Students who excel at seeking… Clarify, identify gaps, revise, refine and are able to articulate why they did what they did throughout the process.
Seeking Questions? Your ideas for courses/assignments/projects What do you think will be the most challenging aspects of this outcome to teach to students?