Political, Social, Economic, and Military problems FALL OF ROME Political, Social, Economic, and Military problems
POLITICAL Lack of good leadership: No process for selecting a new emperor so violent power struggles occurred and no one was in charge. Series of bad emperors who were greedy, incompetent, selfish, insane, or corrupt. (Group A present evidence)
Economic Problems Taxes were raised. Coins were made of less precious metals, which resulted in inflation. Food shortages because wars with barbarians tore up the countryside. High unemployment-lower class lost land to rich citizens.
Social Problems Morals and values declined: No value to human life. No pride in being a Roman citizen or felt a responsibility to serve the empire. (Group E present evidence)
Weakening Frontiers Barbarians who had once lived peacefully on the Roman boarders started streaming into the empire to look for protection from other tribes or to conquer lands. They would join the army, but were loyal only to money. If they didn’t get paid, they quit. (Group B and Group C present evidence)
Acts of God? (Nature) Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, the plague (Group D present evidence)
Which do you believe? In a well thought out paragraph, which reason do you believe had the biggest impact on the fall of Rome?