Explain plate tectonics and the effects they have on our planet Learning goal: Explain plate tectonics and the effects they have on our planet
Continental Drift Theory All continents had once been joined together in a super- continent called Pangaea, but slowly drifted apart. Evidence: the same crocodile fossils were found in Brazil and South Africa Evidence: continents can fit together like puzzle pieces
Plate Tectonics Tectonic plates=enormous moving pieces of the earth’s lithosphere Continents split apart due to the movements of tectonic plates
4 Types of Plate Movement
1. Diverging Plates spread apart 1. Diverging Plates spread apart *The space between is filled with magma, which forms underwater mountain ranges
An effect of divergent plate movement is a…VOLCANO! Ring of Fire: zone around the Pacific plate known for multiple volcanic eruptions/earthquakes
2. Convergent :Subduction One plate moving under another * “sub”=under, like submarine
3. Convergent: Collision * “con”=to come together like “con”vention *When the plates collide, they create large mountain ranges like the Himalayas. Plates come together
World’s tallest: Mount Everest
Plates slide past one another 4) Transformation Plates slide past one another When plates slide past one another at a fault, like the San Andreas, it can cause an earthquake Fault= crack/joint in the earth
Earthquakes Caused when tectonic plates grind or slip Richter Scale: scale that rates earthquakes (1=10)
Tsunamis A giant wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor. BBC NEWS | World | The tsunami disaster explained A giant wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor.
Create a newspaper article! Pick an event: earthquake, volcano eruption, tsunami…Can be more than one! (i.e. earthquake & tsunami) Explain exactly what happened. Be specific! Tell where this happened, tell what type of plate movement it was and explain how those plates move, explain the damage of the disaster. Draw a picture to explain how this happened (plate movement arrows) and a picture of the damage it caused.
External Forces Shaping the Earth Chp. 2 Section 4
Learning Goal: Describe mechanical and chemical weathering. Explain how water, wind, and glaciers affect the development of landforms Identify the basic components of soil
Weathering Processes that change the characteristics of rocks.
Mechanical Weathering Processes that break rock into smaller pieces. Does not change composition of rock—just its size
Chemical Weathering When composition of rock is changed due to elements in the water and air which decompose the rock Ex: when iron rusts
Erosion= wearing away of rock, land or soil by wind, water, ice or gravity
Water Erosion One form of water erosion occurs when water flows in a stream or river When a river enters the ocean, the sediment it picked up during flow is deposited in a fan-like landform called a delta
Wind Erosion The wind picks up and transports sediment in different locations Deposits of loess, or wind blown silt or clay, are found across the world.
Glacial Erosion Glaciation is the changing of landforms by slowly moving glaciers
Article Title Author Date Pick an event: earthquake, volcano eruption, tsunami…Can be more than one! (i.e. earthquake & tsunami) Explain exactly what happened. Be specific! Tell where this happened, tell what type of plate movement it was and explain how those plates moved, explain the damage of the disaster. At least 10 sentences, be creative but still cover the content! Draw a picture to explain how this happened (illustrate the plate movements) Draw a picture of the damage it caused Keep it appropriate… Caption explaining the above picture