Casting Out Fear
Defining Fear An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm. Feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome. The likelihood of something unwelcome happening.
The Nature of Fear -A natural emotion : ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. -From the root word ‘Wergen’ meaning “to grab by the throat”. -Can be either temporary or permanent . -It does not have to be based upon an actual incident- False Expectations Appearing Real. Natural emotion – All emotions are given by God:emotions are instinctive feelings, rather than a reasoned response Emotions nature or nurture- Some are natural and healthy: there when we were born. A baby can sense there is a healthy reason to fear – a loud noise, pain, etc. A bear in the room would create some healthy fear – fight or flight. Some are nurtured – can be healthy – put your hand in a fire, you get burned- natural to fear doing that again! Someone else put your hand in the fire – something that should never happen – shock, trauma, phobias, etc, and other effects continue into adult life Fear /emotion- ‘grab by the throat’. Can’t control what we feel, comes by stealth, produces a reaction that can become all-consuming, controlling other areas of our lives Temporary or Permanent : Bear in the room- temporary fear – once simon captured it ,wrestled it to the ground, locked it up, danger has passed and we feel safe again. Permanent: The fear is always with us. Brother bitten by a dog. Fear of Dogs – do large detours, avoid going to people’s houses, etc. Real incident- Carry fears that we cannot rationalise , not based on anything that has actually happened to us, but are very real to us: Fear of losing our job ( with no reason to believe that is imminent). Phobias: Fear of flying, spiders etc Fears that have their root in something else: fear of abandonment as an adult ( parental separation, childhood neglect etc).
The Nature of Fear Fear confines us. Fear is the opposite of peace (freedom from anxiety or distress). Fear does not originate with God. Fear confines us- (watch clip) Fear = prison / peace is what God wants for us. Freedom from fear (anxiety & distress)- the door is open and today you get to go free
Fear Does Not Originate in God “God has not given us a spirit again to fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind”. 2 Timothy 1:7 Read 2 timothy 1:7- Fear = one who flees from battle- running , hiding. God has a different ending Powerful , loving emotionally healthy life, with no glass ceiling.
Entry Points For Fear Generational Fear Shock and Trauma Childhood Distress Abuse Occult Involvement Generational Fear : I cant stop myself, I seem anxious about being anxious! Was mum a worrier? Did dad seem pre-occupied in an over bearing concerned way? Shock and Trauma: Ill: commemorate 70 years since D-day /end of WW2. Interviews with those there on the beaches, recall stories of horrors of war, as if it were yesterday- tears. Real , deeply distressing- forces (e.g. PTSD, accident ) Shock: Sudden bad news- shock- loss of job, diagnosis of illness, loss of a loved one. Childhood: feeling uncared for, abandonment. Ill: Prayer gathering, sense of forboding (fearing the future)- when did this show up? – in car with dad 14- we will wait- so we waited for the worst to happen . – Jesus where were you? Light- sense of foreboding lifted. ‘Do not be afraid, I am with You’ (Isaiah 43) – When we know this, fear vanishes. Abuse of any kind creates fear – drunken father, no self control through the door- Verbal abuse – you’re no good- inner vow- I will not let anyone close to me again- walls go up, distance between me and anyone who wants to reach me. Occult involvement (Later session) forms a landing strip on which fear can grow. Enemy is an opportunist and a liar, and will try to gain a foothold anyway he can.
Closing The Door To Fear “There is no fear in Love- Perfect love drives out all fear”. 1 John 4:16 Its time to drive out fear –like getting the flies out the kitchen- Ministering to Fear: Father God , will you show me any area in my life where I am operating in fear .... God will you show me when this feeling first showed up?... Jesus where were you when this was happening? ... Is there anyone I need to forgive? ‘What lie did I believe?’ Father will you show me, what’s the truth about me?
Closing The Door To Fear Father God, I thank you today for your Perfect Love! Your love will remove every fear from my life. Lord I repent of every place I have given to Fear I repent of every place my past generations gave place to fear.
Closing The Door To Fear Father I repent for not trusting you and I surrender my life to you afresh. I thank you for your Great Love that will never let me go.
Closing The Door To Fear I renounce every vow, curse or contract with fear, and I choose not to partner with fear any more. Spirit of fear In Jesus name I break your power and control in my life. I reaffirm my faith in You, Father God. Thank you for being my protector and provider in Jesus’ name. AMEN