The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013 and Horizon 2020 Meeting of the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) 22 February 2012 Presentation by Charlotte Jagot and Waddah Saab DG Research and Innovation
« The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013 »: key features Address cross-cutting challenges, in support to marine environment policy, integrated maritime policy and maritime industries Promoting the development of marine technology, while reinforcing synergies with technology providers and end- users in order to foster innovation Substantial involvement of industrial partners, SMEs and relevant end-users is a key element Multi-disciplinary approach and multi-sectoral partnership A collective effort for a greater impact: 5 Themes of the FP7 are involved (ENV, Food, NMP, Transport, Energy)
What will be the content ? ( under preparation - publication Mid July 2012 ) 1.Biosensors for real-time monitoring of biohazard and man made chemical contaminants in the marine environment 2.Innovative multifunctional sensors for in-situ monitoring of marine environment and related maritime activities 3.Innovative antifouling materials for maritime applications 4.Innovative transport and deployment systems for the offshore energy sector INFODAY on the « The Ocean of Tomorrow 2013 planned in 06/06/2012 in Brussels
Relevant topics in support to MSFD Biosensors for real-time monitoring of biohazard and man made chemical contaminants in the marine environment : Develop innovative and cost effective real-time in situ biosensors for the detection and monitoring of substances with a high impact and that are difficult to measure, such as, algal toxins, synthetic organics, herbicides/pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Innovative multifunctional sensors for in-situ monitoring of marine environment and related maritime activities : Increase the availability and cost effectiveness of in-situ data : through cost effective sensors and sensors’ packages to collect in- situ data and data related to maritime activities (including fisheries).
Horizon 2020 and marine and maritime research Tackled in the « Excellent Science » pillar (eg: research infrastructures) Tackled in the « Industrial leadership » pillar (biotechnology, innovation in SMEs) for the « Blue growth » Tackled in all relevant societal challenges ( « climate action and resources ’ efficiency », « smart and integrated transport », « secure and clean energy » ) Explicitly mentioned in challenge 2: « Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy ”
Strategic cross-cutting approach Proposal for a Council Decision establishing « Horizon 2020 » COM(2011) 811 final p19: « [...] This cross-cutting approach to programming and governance will allow effective coordination between all of Horizon 2020's specific objectives and will allow to address challenges which cut across them, such as for instance sustainability, climate change or marine sciences and technologies. » Draw on the experience of « The Ocean of Tomorrow » approach Coordination and synergies with key initiatives such as JPI on « Healthy and Productive seas and Oceans » will be sought