Motivation and Emotion Unit 9
2 Why? Why do you play sports so intensely? Why do you practice music so long? Why do you memorize songs? Do you know who the Toledo Mud Hens are?
3 Study or Party?
What is learned helplessness? Condition in which repeated attempts to control a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable. I have no control over what goes on around me. It’s all LUCK!!! I can’t do it, so why try?
Can it be changed? YES
Motivation An internal state that activates behavior and directs it toward a goal. Includes the various psychological and physiological factors that cause us to act a certain way at a certain time.
William McDougall –Instinct theory Natural or inherited tendencies to make a specific response to certain environmental stimuli without involving reason. A flaw however: –Instincts do not explain behavior; they simply label it.
9 Instincts for Humans
A Question So, what motivates us to action?
Need Drive Need – results from a lack of something desirable or useful –Can be physiological or psychologicalphysiological or psychological Drive – an internal condition that can change over time and pushes the individual towards a specific goal or goals. Drive-reduction theory –Clark Hull All human motives are extensions of basic biological needs. Some say Hull overlooked motivation.
Text Depravation leads to agitation.
Quick Check What is the difference between a need and a drive?
14 Homeostasis
Clark Hull – approval becomes a learned drive. Drive-reduction theory
Harry Harlow
Drive-reduction –Emphasizes the internal states. Incentive –Stresses the role of the environment. –The object we seek or the result we are trying to achieve. –Reinforces, goals, and rewards. Drives push needs; incentives pull to obtain.
Cognitive Theory Psychologists seek to explain by looking at forces inside and outside of us that energize us to move. Two types: –Extrinsic Activities that reduce biological needs or obtain incentives or external rewards. –Intrinsic Engaging in activities because those activities are personally rewarding or because engaging in them fulfills our beliefs or expectations.
Biological and Social Motives
Why is it that some people seem more motivated than others when it comes to achieving something?
Much of life is spent trying to satisfy biological and social needs. Biological needs are physiological requirements that we must fulfill to survive. Social needs are those that are learned through experience.
23 Some Biological NeedsSome Social Needs Food Water Oxygen Sleep Avoidance of Pain Need to excel Need for social bonds Need to nourish and protect others Needs to influence or control others Need for orderliness Need for fun and relaxation
Biological Motives Critical to survival and physical well-being. Built-in regulating systems work like thermostats to maintain such internal processes as body temperature, the level of sugar in the blood, and the production of hormones. Homeostasis – the tendency of all organisms to correct imbalances and deviations.
The Story of D.W.
Hunger What motivates you to seek food? What produces a hunger sensation? What makes you hungry? To what is your body responding?
Lateral Hypothalamus –The part of the hypothalamus that produces hunger signals. Ventromedial hypothalamus –The part of the hypothalamus that can cause one to stop eating.
Three kinds of information the hypothalamus interprets: –The amount of glucose entering the cells, –Your set-point (day-to-day weight) –Body temperature
Hunger – Other Factors External –Where, When, What we eat –Smell –Peer pressure (to eat; to not eat) –Psychological Binge eating Depressed eating Stress eating Boredom
Obesity Obese – 30% or more above the ideal weight. Overweight – 20% over the ideal weight. Stanley Schachter (Columbia): –Research study - normal people eat when hungry and obese people eat either way. –Interval cues vs. External cues.
Anorexia Nervosa About 1% of people suffer from the disease.
Social Motives Learned from interactions with other people. Need for achievement. Fear of failure. Fear of success. –Martina Horner –“After first term finals, ____ finds himself at the top of ____ medical school class. –Bright women had a strong fear of success than did average or slightly above average women.
Michele Bachmann
Expectancy-Value Developed by J.W. Atkinson Expectancy – estimated likelihood of success. Value – what the goal is worth.
Abraham Maslow Humanistic psychology. ALL humans need to feel competent, to win approval and recognition, and to sense they are achieving something.
The Need To Belong
43 What Evidence Points to Our Human Need to Belong? Aristotle - We are social “Without friends no one would choose to live, through he had all other goods.” 43
44 This doesn’t mean that we need...
45 Survival 1) Staying close to kin. 2) Cooperation. 45
46 What Is It That Makes Your Life Meaningful?
47 Pause to Consider What was your most satisfying moment in the past week?
48 Happy People are distinguished by their rich and satisfying relationships.
50 Mark Leary Much of our social behavior is directed toward increasing our belonging. To avoid rejection: –Reform To win friendships and esteem: –Monitor our behavior Seeking love and belonging –Just how far are we willing to go? 50
51 Sustaining Relationships
52 People Fear... Being Alone. 52
Brandi Chastain hits the winning goal. How do you think she felt?
Psychological vs. Biological Drive/motivation = the emphasis placed on needs, desires, and mental calculations that lead to goal-directed behavior. Emotion/affect = the feelings associated with these decisions and activities. Sometimes emotions function like biological drives – our feelings energize us and make us pursue a goal.
Emotions: a subjective feeling provoked by real or imagined objects or events of significance to the individual. Result from four occurrences: 1. Must interpret some stimulus. 2. You have a subjective feeling. Fear or happiness. 3. You experience physiological responses. Increased heart rate. 4. You display an observable behavior. Smiling or crying.
All emotions have three parts: 1. Physical How does the emotion affect the physical arousal? 2. Behavioral The outward expression of the emotion. 3. Cognitive How we think about or interpret a situation.
58 Paul Eckman
61 Common Expressions Joy Anger Sadness Surprise Fear Disgust Contempt 61
The Range of Emotions Graphic from page 329 in textbook.
Emotions are universal, but the expression of them is limited by learning how to express them.
Physiological Theories William James (1890) –Just about every emotion he read emphasized bodily change. 1. The James-Lange Theory 2. Facial Feedback Theory (Carroll Izard) 3. The Cannon-Bard Theory
James-Lange Theory ↓You experience psychological change. ↓Your brain interprets the psychological changes. ↓You feel a specific emotion. ↓You demonstrate observable behavior.
Facial Feedback Theory (Carroll Izard) ↓The muscles in your face move to form an expression. ↓Your brain interprets the muscle movement. ↓You feel an emotion. ↓You demonstrate observable behavior.
Cannon-Bard Theory ↓Your experience activates the hypothalamus. ↓This produces messages to the cerebral cortex and your body organs. The reacting organs activate sensory signals. ↓Sensory signals combine with cortical message, yielding emotion.
Cognitive Theories Bodily changes and thinking work together to produce emotion. 1. The Schachter-Singer Experiment 2. Opponent-Process Theory a. Solomon-Corbit Theory
Schachter-Singer Experiment ↓You experience physiological arousal. ↓You interpret (cognitively) environmental cues. ↓You feel an emotion. ↓You demonstrate observable behavior.
Opponent-Process Theory ↓Physiological processes clearly are controlled by homeostatic mechanisms. ↓Operates under classical conditioning theory. ↓Sympathetic = energizes the body. ↓Parasympathetic = calms the body.