What EMOTION is that? Anticipatory set Have students identify emotions as represented by emoticons.
AGENDA May 18, 2012 Today’s topics Administrative Homework Emotion Motivation Theories of Personality: Group assignment Administrative STAMP: Glossary terms (Motivation…Opponent-Process Theory) STAMP: Graphic Organizer (pg 21 & 24) & Guided Reading 10-2 Bring textbooks to class next week Homework Read: Chap. 14 You should write the homework in your planner now.
STAMPS Reminder: STAMPS only for work completed on time STAMP complete Glossary Terms (1 stamp) and complete worksheets (1 stamp) As I stamp your terms, review your Glossary terms from: (Motivation – Maslow’s…) (Procedural memory – Mnemonic devices) (Emotion – Opponent-Process Theory)
Pictionary/Charades Clear your desks / Close books & notebooks Select a champion An artistic/creative person who has done the work Wait for your champion to start drawing If a team starts rattling off random terms, they will forfeit a point to the other team. Champions may gesture, but may not speak or use any letters, numbers or symbols Terms: see Glossary sheets Next semester: How should I improve Pictionary/Charades?
Emotions Teacher asks students to ID emotions on display. Universal = cross-cultural Go through any remaining Glossary terms (Motivation – Opponent-Process Theory), ask for examples of symbols, etc. When students have questions, work to get another student to answer
Motivation: Graphic Organizer 12 Drive-reduction Theory Cognitive Theory Incentive Theory Direct students to work in pairs to answer Graphic Organizer 12 & Reteaching Activity 12 (back)
Meeting Needs Motivates Behavior Have students complete Application Activity 12
Theories of Personality Skim Chapter 14 now: Determine which theories interest you the most (5 min.) Popsicle sticks: Group assignments Reserve 10 minutes for this – or hold and do Monday (after students have read the chapter)
Homework Before you leave Homework Pick up your belongings & any trash CR-Economics Before you leave Pick up your belongings & any trash Straighten desks Homework Read: Chap. 14