RTF Management Items December 16, 2014
Contract Analyst Selection Technical Portion of Scope: Hadley Rushton Ptarmigan Research Research and Evaluation: My Ton
Dec Council Discussion on Wood Smoke “… [staff] recommendation is to develop the conservation supply curves without including an estimate of the health benefits, but then separately describe the environmental and health benefits associated with the relevant measures. These descriptions would note the significance of these benefits, and make clear to entities in the region that investments in these measures may well be justified by the social benefits of reduced particulate emissions, regardless of whether the measures are cost-effective on energy benefits and costs alone.”
RTF Operations Survey Feedback to date has been helpful, but we are interested in more feedback! Plan to resend the link this week. Please take a few minutes to participate.
7P Supply Curves No agenda item today, but: CRAC meeting tomorrow to discuss: RPM approach to conservation Overview of CBSA Commercial: lighting, HVAC, energy management, and odds and ends Residential: lighting, behavior, and odds and ends Agriculture Irrigation Supply curve workbooks available here: ation ation More will be coming soon!
Upcoming Meeting Topics Anticipated for January MH HVAC Measures (pending today’s discussion) SIS full package (more context during 3:00 item) DHP for FAF Res and Com Clothes Washers Non Res Network Computer Power Management RTF Charter Aiming to support 7P supply curve development, so some detailed discussions may shift until Feb/Mar
Other Topics on our Radar These are coming in 2015: ●Standard Protocols and Research Plans ●How to prioritize this work ●Thinking about our approach to research plans ●And more... ●Res clothes dryers ●Res thermostatic restriction valves