Astronomy The study of the planets, stars, and other objects in space. The study of the planets, stars, and other objects in space.
History Nicolaus Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus Polish Astronomer Polish Astronomer 1 st suggested the sun was the center of the solar system 1 st suggested the sun was the center of the solar system Put six known planets in proper order. Put six known planets in proper order.
History Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Italian Scientist Italian Scientist Greatest contributions were his descriptions of moving objects. Greatest contributions were his descriptions of moving objects. Laid groundwork for the study of gravity by demonstrating the weight of an object does not affect its rate of fall. Laid groundwork for the study of gravity by demonstrating the weight of an object does not affect its rate of fall. Discovered four moons of Jupiter Discovered four moons of Jupiter Observed and recorded the phases of Venus Observed and recorded the phases of Venus
History Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Studied the moon’s surface Studied the moon’s surface Tracked sunspots Tracked sunspots Tried by Inquisition in the 1600’s for teaching against current belief of the Catholic Church. Tried by Inquisition in the 1600’s for teaching against current belief of the Catholic Church. Declared innocent by John Paul II in 1980 Declared innocent by John Paul II in 1980
History Albert Einstein Albert Einstein German born American physicist German born American physicist Developed the Theory of Relativity (E=MC^2) Developed the Theory of Relativity (E=MC^2) Explained the motion of particles traveling at the speed of light. Explained the motion of particles traveling at the speed of light.
History Edwin Hubble Edwin Hubble American Astronomer American Astronomer First discovered light beyond our galaxy. First discovered light beyond our galaxy.
Instruments Refracting Telescope Refracting Telescope Uses an objective lens to collect light coming from an object in Space Uses an objective lens to collect light coming from an object in Space Galileo Galileo
Instruments Reflecting Telescope Reflecting Telescope Uses mirrors to reflect and form a magnified image of an object which is seen through a lens. Uses mirrors to reflect and form a magnified image of an object which is seen through a lens. Issac Newton Issac Newton
Instruments Radio Telescope Radio Telescope Consists of a reflector, a receiver, and an antenna and focused on a receiver. Consists of a reflector, a receiver, and an antenna and focused on a receiver. Radio waves are collected by the antenna and focused on the receiver Radio waves are collected by the antenna and focused on the receiver Grote Reber Grote Reber
Instruments Spectroscopes Spectroscopes Separates light into wavelengths by means of a glass prism or ruled gratings. Separates light into wavelengths by means of a glass prism or ruled gratings. Used to determine elements in a star Used to determine elements in a star
Instruments RADAR RADAR System that detects an object beyond the range of visible light. System that detects an object beyond the range of visible light. Used to determine an object’s distance or range. Used to determine an object’s distance or range.
Origins Universe Universe Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory A cosmic explosion occurred 15 to 20 billion years ago. A cosmic explosion occurred 15 to 20 billion years ago. Sent matter and energy in all directions Sent matter and energy in all directions From this matter all objects in the universe developed. From this matter all objects in the universe developed.
Origins Solar System Solar System Nebular Hypothesis Nebular Hypothesis A nebula (gas and dust pulled together by gravity) collapsed due to gravitational forces. A nebula (gas and dust pulled together by gravity) collapsed due to gravitational forces. Flattened by gravity, rotation, and pressure Flattened by gravity, rotation, and pressure Regions of condensation eventually became the sun and planets, moon and other space objects. Regions of condensation eventually became the sun and planets, moon and other space objects.
The Sun
A medium sized yellow star composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. A medium sized yellow star composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. Exerts gravity on the planets keeping them in orbit. Exerts gravity on the planets keeping them in orbit.
The Sun Structure Structure Core Core Up to 15,000,000 degrees Celsius Up to 15,000,000 degrees Celsius Hydrogen and Helium are in constant motion Hydrogen and Helium are in constant motion Hydrogen is fused into Helium Hydrogen is fused into Helium This releases the sun’s energy This releases the sun’s energy
The Sun Photosphere Photosphere Innermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere Innermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere Chromosphere Chromosphere Middle layer of the sun’s atmosphere Middle layer of the sun’s atmosphere Corona Corona Outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere Outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere Although its average temperature is over 1,000,000 degrees it produces little heat. Although its average temperature is over 1,000,000 degrees it produces little heat.
The Sun Activity Activity Sunspots Sunspots Dark, cooler areas on the photosphere Dark, cooler areas on the photosphere Caused by disturbances in the sun’s magnetic field Caused by disturbances in the sun’s magnetic field
The Sun Activity Activity Solar Flares Solar Flares Intense magnetic storms on the sun’s surface. Intense magnetic storms on the sun’s surface.
The Sun Activity Activity Prominences Prominences Arcs of gas that erupt from the surface of the sun. Arcs of gas that erupt from the surface of the sun.
Comet A small mass of ice, rock and dust A small mass of ice, rock and dust
Comet Orbit the sun in an elliptical orbit Orbit the sun in an elliptical orbit Have varying periods of revolution (Comet to Comet) Have varying periods of revolution (Comet to Comet) Hailey’s Comet appears every 76 years. (2061) Hailey’s Comet appears every 76 years. (2061) Originate in an area outside our solar system Originate in an area outside our solar system Tail – particles of the comet that have been vaporized and forced away from the sun. Tail – particles of the comet that have been vaporized and forced away from the sun.
Asteroids Small rocky bodies orbiting the sun in the same direction as the planets. Small rocky bodies orbiting the sun in the same direction as the planets.
Asteroids Most are found in a region between Mars and Jupiter Most are found in a region between Mars and Jupiter Known as? Known as? Believed to be fragments of pre-planet material. Believed to be fragments of pre-planet material. What does this mean? What does this mean? Some cross earth’s orbit Some cross earth’s orbit Meaning? Meaning?
Meteoroids Similar to asteroids but smaller. Similar to asteroids but smaller.
Meteoroid Meteor Meteor A meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere A meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere Burn up as a result of friction with gas particles Burn up as a result of friction with gas particles “Falling Star” “Falling Star” Meteorite Meteorite A meteor that doesn’t completely burn up and reaches Earth’s Surface. A meteor that doesn’t completely burn up and reaches Earth’s Surface. Meteor Shower Meteor Shower Occur when Earth passes through debris left in a comet’s orbit. Occur when Earth passes through debris left in a comet’s orbit.
Stars Bright Spheres of gas Bright Spheres of gas Energy is produced by nuclear fusion. Energy is produced by nuclear fusion.
Stars Properties Properties Magnitude Magnitude Brightness based on its composition and distance from the earth. Brightness based on its composition and distance from the earth. Absolute – Actual brightness Absolute – Actual brightness Apparent – Brightness as in appears from Earth Apparent – Brightness as in appears from Earth
Stars Properties Properties Color Color Related to temperature Related to temperature Hot – Blue Hot – Blue Cooler – Red Cooler – Red Medium - Yellow Medium - Yellow
Stars Properties Properties Hertzberg-Russell diagram Hertzberg-Russell diagram Graphs absolute magnitude vs. temperature Graphs absolute magnitude vs. temperature Used to predict the how long stars will live Used to predict the how long stars will live
Life Cycle Nebula Nebula Cluster of gas and dust pulled together by gravity. Cluster of gas and dust pulled together by gravity. Star Forming Regions Star Forming Regions Why would they get this name? Why would they get this name?
Stars Life Cycle Life Cycle Protostar Protostar Beginning stage in star formation. Beginning stage in star formation. Nuclear formation begins Nuclear formation begins
Stars Life Cycle Life Cycle Main Sequence Main Sequence Hydrogen changes to helium Hydrogen changes to helium May last billions of years May last billions of years Dependant on mass Dependant on mass
Stars Life Cycle Life Cycle Red Giant Red Giant Outer surface cools, expands, and becomes red. Outer surface cools, expands, and becomes red.
Stars Death Death Final stage depends on mass Final stage depends on mass Low Mass Low Mass Red Giant collapses and becomes a white dwarf Red Giant collapses and becomes a white dwarf Medium Mass Medium Mass Forms planetary nebula (Shed their outer layer) then a white dwarf Forms planetary nebula (Shed their outer layer) then a white dwarf Massive Massive Form supernovas then may become a very dense neutron star or an extremely dense black hole. Form supernovas then may become a very dense neutron star or an extremely dense black hole.
Other Stellar Objects Pulsars Pulsars Spinning neutron stars that send out beams of radiation. Spinning neutron stars that send out beams of radiation. Quasars Quasars Very bright centers of some distant galaxies. Very bright centers of some distant galaxies.
Constellations A group of stars that form a pattern. A group of stars that form a pattern. 88 accepted worldwide 88 accepted worldwide Used for navigation Used for navigation Circumpolar – 5 constellations seen throughout the year that revolve around the North Star Circumpolar – 5 constellations seen throughout the year that revolve around the North Star Ursa Major – Great Bear (includes part of Big Dipper) Ursa Major – Great Bear (includes part of Big Dipper) Points to the North Star Points to the North Star Ursa Minor – Little Bear or Little Dipper Ursa Minor – Little Bear or Little Dipper North Star (Polaris) is at the end of its handle. North Star (Polaris) is at the end of its handle.
Constellations Zodiacal Constellations Zodiacal Constellations Band of 12 constellations moving across the sky throughout the year Band of 12 constellations moving across the sky throughout the year
Galaxies Huge system of billions of stars held together by gravity. Huge system of billions of stars held together by gravity.
Galaxies Spiral Spiral Disk shaped with a bulge in the center and spiral arms Disk shaped with a bulge in the center and spiral arms Examples Examples Milky Way Milky Way Andromeda Andromeda
Galaxies Elliptical Elliptical Slightly flattened spheres with bright centers. Slightly flattened spheres with bright centers. Very little gas and dust. Very little gas and dust.
Galaxies Irregular Irregular No regular shape. No regular shape. Many stars Many stars Great clouds of gas and dust. Great clouds of gas and dust. Examples Examples Large and Small Magellanic Cloud Large and Small Magellanic Cloud