CIA 3-2 Review
We are learning to: *Compare the composition and orbits of comets and asteroids with that of Earth. We are looking for: Composition of comets, asteroids, and Earth 1. Earth is composed of rock with many layers and has a core of dense metal 2.Comets are composed of ice and dust (dirty snowball) 3. Asteroids are composed of chunks of solid rock with heavy metal Orbits of comets, asteroids, and Earth’s 1.Earth’s orbit is elliptical 2. Comet’s orbit is elongated and elliptical 3. Asteroids are elliptical and orbit in the asteroid belt.
We are learning to: Describe the effect that asteroids or meteroids have when traveling through space and entering planetary atmospheres. We are looking for: 1.Asteroids are large rocky objects that orbit the sun. If they hit the Earth the impact could be catastrophic. 2.Meteorites are small rocky objects hit the Earth all the time and do not cause much damage. 3.A rock changes its classification based on its location: Meteoroid – rock located in outer space Meteor – rock burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere (Shooting Star/Meteor Shower) Meteorite – rock that hits the ground
An icy object that has an elongated orbit around the sun is referred to as a(n)…. A.Asteroid B.Comet C.Meteor D.Meteorite E.I don’t know!
The flash of light produced when a meteoroid passes through the Earth’s atmosphere is a(n) A.Asteroid B.Comet C.Meteor D.Meteorite E.I don’t know!
Why does a meteoroid create a streak of light when entering the Earth’s atmosphere? A.Light from the sun is reflected of the surface of each B.Energy is released form the objects C.Lightning is produced form these objects D.Light is a result of friction from the gasses in the atmosphere E.I don’t know!
Which of the following applies to meteoroids and asteroids. A.They are similar in size. B.They are rocky and/or metallic. C.They are composed of frozen gases, ice, and dust. D.They orbit the sun in highly elliptical patterns. E.I don’t know!
Which of the following objects would cause the most damage if it hit the Earth? A.Asteroid B.Meteoroid C.Meteorite D.Meteor E.I don’t know!
We are learning to: identify and describe telescopes, probes, satellites, and space crafts We are looking for: telescope- refracting, reflecting, and radio are used to view distant objects probe-machines sent to other locations in the solar system and are used to investigate/explore satellite-orbits around the earth or other planets and are used to take photos and collect data space craft-mode of transportation to send humans to locations in the solar system;
We are learning to: examine advances of different people, culture, and times in astronomy. We are looking for: examples of how telescopes have changed and been improved over time and their impact on science and technology.
Which type of telescope focuses light using a mirror? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need help!
Which type of telescope focuses light through transparent lenses? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need Help!
One of the greatest advancements in astronomy was the telescope. Which is the correct order of advancements? A.Radio- refracting-reflecting B.Reflecting – refracting –radio C.Refracting-reflecting-radio D.Radio- reflecting-refracting E.I need help!
Which of the following is an advantage of a space-based, satellite telescope like Hubble? A.Satellite telescopes are much closer to the stars. B.Satellite telescopes are able to see through solid objects. C.Satellite telescopes can detect wavelengths that are blocked by the atmosphere. D.Satellite telescopes have the ability to see the future. E.I need help!
We are learning to: explain interstellar distances are measured in light years We are looking for: the explanation of and the use of the light year *explain a light year as the distance light travels in a year *explain that distances are too great to be measured in miles or kilometers
A light year is a measurement of… a)Distance b)Time c)Speed d)Acceleration e)I don’t know! I need help!
Why do astronomers measure interstellar distances in light years instead of kilometers or miles? A.Light years are a measure of time. B.Miles and kilometers are too small of a unit. C.Miles and kilometers are too large of a unit. D.I don’t know! I need help!
You are viewing a star that is 20 light years away. When was the light from this star produced? a)Before you were born b)After you were born c)10 years ago d)2 years ago e)I don’t know! I need help!
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