Figure out a way to memorize these! Grammar Memorization
Just Checking… 1) Write one sentence that includes all forms of there/their/they’re used correctly. 2) Write one sentence that includes both forms of its and it’s used correctly. 3) Write one sentence that includes both forms of here and hear used correctly.
Tense Verbs – These verbs can have a tense Tense Verbs – These verbs can have a tense. What is the TENSE for each verb (past or present)? Is Are Was Were Am Be Been Has Have Had
No Tense Verbs – These verbs don’t have a tense (duh) Would Could Should May Might Must Can
“Be” Verbs Is Are Was Were Am Be Been
HELPING VERBS Definition: A helping verb helps the main verb to express action or state of being. Example: Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. (Was born is the verb phrase; was is the helping verb.) Mnemonic: Sing the helping verbs using “Frere Jacques.” Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing. Ding ding dong Is am are was were be being been may can must might could would should have has had shall will (repeat) Do does did (repeat)
Coordinating Conjunctions Definition: Coordinating conjunctions connect words/groups of words used in the same way. Example: bridges or tunnels (the word or joins two nouns) The alarm did not go off, so I was late. (the word so joins two sentences) Mnemonic: FANBOYS For And Nor But Or Yet So
Prepositions Definition: A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word in the sentence. Example: Megan walked beside the lake. Megan walked to the lake. Mnemonic:“The Preposition Song,” sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle,” includes many, but not all, of the prepositions. Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony Stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy. about above across after along among around at before beside between against within without beneath through during under in into over of off to toward up on near for from except by with behind below down