PRESENT SIMPLE Short revision
What is Present Simple? The present tense is the base (or simple) form of the verb. For example: I work in London. She plays the piano.
When do we use Present Simple? We use the present tense to talk about: something that is true in the present something that happens again and again in the present something that is fixed in the future We use words like sometimes, often, always, and never with the present tense.
How do we form Present Simple? In sentences: I, you, we, they + verb but: he,she,it + verb + s Examples: I like milk.He likes milk. You play football every Monday.She sings well. We live in Sweden.It moves fast. They go to school every week.
Do/don’t and Does/doesn’t In questions: Do + I,you,we,they + verb +…? but: Does + he,she,it + verb(utan –s!) +...? Examples: Do you like coffee? Does he play hockey? Do they speak Spanish?
We can also use do and does with question words like where, what and why. Where/what/why + do + I,you,we,they + verb? Where/what/why + does + he,she,it + verb? Examples: Where do you live? What does she do for living?
In negatives: I,you,we,they + don’t + verb. but: He,she,it + doesn’t + verb. Examples: I don’t like rainy weather.Jenny doesn’t play the piano. They don’t drive to work.