Small Business Trade Association Forum Hot Topics Jill Hawthorne Growth and Business Unit, HSE.


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Presentation transcript:

Small Business Trade Association Forum Hot Topics Jill Hawthorne Growth and Business Unit, HSE

Fee For Intervention- Progress so far The first fee for intervention bills were issued in January. The total sum invoiced for the two months from 1 October to 30 November was £727, , which arose from 1,418 FFI Invoices. The total sum invoiced for the two months from December to January was £857,254.34, which arose from 1,807 FFI Invoices.

Fee For Intervention - Queries and disputes The disputes procedure has two levels. At level 1, is reviewed by an HSE senior manager, independent of the management chain At level 2, the dispute is considered by a panel of HSE staff and an independent representative. HSE has received 80 queries relating to FFI invoices, 65 of which have been resolved.

Löfstedt: ‘Reclaiming Health and Safety for All’ - One year on One year on report Professor Löfstedt’s one year on report and HSE’s progress report were published in February Professor Löfstedt reported that all his recommendations had either been delivered or were on track to be completed The Professor’s report can be found at: ming-health-and-safety-for-all-löfstedt- report-a-review-of-progress-one-year-on ming-health-and-safety-for-all-löfstedt- report-a-review-of-progress-one

The story so far… 9 out of 18 recommendations for HSE already delivered, including: –Challenge Panels IRCP Myth Busters –Consolidation research –PAT –Revoked legislation –Toolbox

Spring 2013 delivery H&S prosecutions within 3yrs Work at height guidance review National Local Authority Enforcement Code

And more…. Delivery October – December 2013 First Aid – October 2013 RIDDOR – October 2013 Strict Liability – October 2013 ACOPs – November 2013

Self Employed Exemption Summary The 12 week consultation to exempt from health and safety law those self-employed whose work activities pose no potential risk of harm to others closed on 28 October the HSE Board agreed that this recommendation should be implemented

Self Employed Exemption- Communication The HSE Board asked for a detailed communication plan to be presented in May 2013 of how to raise awareness: Signpost self-employed workers to guidance contained within a new section on the HSE website Stakeholder engagement External communication channels

Self Employed Exemption We would welcome SBTAF members’ input: How best and in what form the change should be communicated with these members. Identifying key stakeholders such as skills/training associations who we should be engaging with. Disseminating information to their members as the process develops.

Questions Thank you for your attention Any Questions ?