The Life of Jesus (44) From the Grave to Glory John 20:19-21:25
Jesus appears to Thomas John 20:26-29 On the day He arose, Jesus appeared to the apostles but Thomas was absent ( Jn. 20:20-23 ) Thomas refused to believe ( 25 )
Jesus appears to Thomas Skepticism – far too many are skeptical of Him Many will not believe, others reject His message For many their doubt is dishonest – based on morality!
Jesus appears to Thomas 8 days later, Jesus appears with Thomas present ( ) Thomas rebuked for unbelief! ( cf. Mk. 16:14 ) The danger of unbelief – Heb. 3:12
Jesus appears to Thomas “Blessed are those who have not seen, yet have believed.” ( 29 ) Do we believe? Heb. 11:1, 2 Cor. 5:7 Our faith is not blind – Ac 1:3, Jn. 20:30-31, Rom. 1:20 BUT it still requires faith!
Jesus appears to Thomas Our faith is more than mere mental acknowledgement True faith acts and obeys James 2:14-26, Rom. 10:17 Will we say, “My Lord and My God!”
Jesus appears to Thomas Thought: Consider what Thomas missed because he failed to assemble with his brethren that first Sunday! Heb. 10:25
Peter Restored John 21:1-23 Peter and others fishing in Galilee. Unsuccessful. They see Jesus on the shore and Peter jumps out of boat and comes to Him.
Peter Restored Jesus speaks to Peter John 21:15-17 Jesus “Do you love Me?” Peter, “You know I do” Asked 3 times, 3 rd time Peter grieved. After each answer, Jesus instructs Peter to tend His sheep.
Peter Restored The original language adds to the meaning - John 21:15-17 Jesus “Do you ( ἀ γαπάω) agapao Me?” Peter, “Yes Lord, you know that I (φιλέω) phileo you” First 2 times. Jesus is asking for a sacrificial love, but Peter answers with affectionate friendship.
Peter Restored Third time John 21:17 Jesus “Do you (φιλέω) phileo Me?” Peter was grieved, “Lord, You know all things. You know that I (φιλέω) phileo you.” Jesus is building Peter up to willingly COMMIT to serving Him.
Peter Restored Jesus then gives Peter instructions about his future – how he would die John 21:18-19 Peter asks about John ( 21: ). Jesus says, “What is that to you, you follow Me!”
Peter Restored Forgiveness We are all sinners Rom. 3:23, 1 John 1:8, 10 Have we ever denied Him? Are we worthy? ( Isa. 64:6, 59:2 )
Peter Restored Forgiveness God WANTS to forgive us Rom. 5:8, 1 Jn. 4: Pet. 3:9, cf. Lk. 23:34 Consider lengths Jesus went to restore Peter
Peter Restored Forgiveness We can take confidence in passages like 1 John 1:9 BUT, just like Peter, we must REPENT!
Peter Restored “You follow Me” (vs. 22) Don’t worry about what happens to others – make sure you are ready ( 2 Cor. 5:10, Rom. 14:12 ) The power of example – Matt. 5:13-16
He is arisen We are forgiven Will we follow Him?