Unforgettable Walks: Walk on the Moon Walk down the aisle Walk the plank Via Dolorosa: Moonwalk:
Walking on Water
“… Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.” (Matt 14:27)
Walking on Water failing an exam breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend or partner losing a job losing our ability to do something losing a loved one Life’s Storms
Walking on Water Even in the most unlikely place and in impossible situations, He is near!!! Our ever present help in times of trouble. 1 st Lesson… Jesus is near
Walking on Water The disciples think it’s a ghost! What on earth is that?!? Peter has other ideas “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” (Matt 14:27)
Walking on Water Do you want to walk on water. What would you choose? Water or Boat? What’s your boat??? Your boat is whatever you put your trust in. Your boat is defined by the things you are not prepared to give up in your life for the sake of following Jesus.
Walking on Water “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Heb 11:1). Faith_ Fear makes people disobedient to the calling of the master. OR_Fear Fear is one of his greatest weapons. But faith is your greatest shield.
Walking on Water Jesus can make the ordinary person you are into someone who can do extraordinary things for him. Peter Walked on Water!!!
Walking on Water Peter’s focus shifted from Saviour to storm. Peter “…saw the wind…” Matt 14:30 His shield of faith is shrinking and the darts of doubt, the flaming arrows of fear are beginning to hit their target again.
Walking on Water ‘you of little faith… why did you doubt?’ Matt 14:31 Did Peter Fail?
- who will get out of the boat. Jesus is still looking for people… - to step out in faith. - fix their eyes on him - who after failing will get right back up and press on