What is Holy Orders? Religion 7
Through Holy Orders the mission Jesus gave his apostles is carried out in the church until the end of time.
Interesting facts… In 1921, father Edward Flanagan founded boys town in Nebraska. Today it helps children and families all over the untied states. Archbishop Oscar Romero spoke out for the poor and victims of el Salvador’s civil war. Because of this, he was assassinated during mass in 1980. Day after day priests in your community celebrate4 the sacraments and help your community live by the values of Jesus.
Holy orders One of the two sacraments of service (the other being marriage). Sacraments of service, build up the people of God. This sacraments consecrates bishops, priests, and deacons. These men are called the clergy, and through them, Jesus guides his church.
Priesthood In Old Testament times, priests were those who offered sacrifices and prayed for the people. Jesus is the high priest who offered a unique sacrifice on the cross once and for all. Today he makes that sacrifice present in the Eucharist through his priests. Through baptism, all of us share in the priesthood. But the priesthood of priests and bishops is different. The sacrament of holy orders makes them representatives of Christ.
Ordination There are three degrees of holy orders: Episcopate (i-pis-co-pate)= bishop Presbyterate (prez-bi-ter-ate)= priest Diaconate (dee-ak-uhn-ate)= deacon Only a bishop can administer the sacrament of holy orders. Symbol for holy orders is the Laying of hands Usually priests are not married, since they are called to give their whole life and all their energy to God by serving his people.
Bishops Bishops have the fullness of ordination. They are the successors to the apostles, who received an outpouring of the holy spirit from Christ after the resurrection. Through their consecration, bishops are empowered to teach the faith and govern and sanctify the Church. Each Bishop oversees a particular diocese, or group of parishes. A bishop’s church is called a cathedral . As a sign of his authority, a bishop wears a tall hat called a miter and carries a staff called a crosier. Our Archbishop is Richard Smith Auxiliary Bishop is Gregory Bittman
Priests Priests work with their bishop in carrying out the mission of the church. Acting in the person of Jesus, priests preach the Gospel, shepherd the faithful, and celebrate divine worship. Priests are privileged to share God’s loving care with people in their times of joy and struggle.
Deacons Like Christ, a deacon is a servant of all. He may perform baptisms, assist at the Eucharist, witness marriages, proclaim the gospel and preach, preside over funerals, and do charitable works. Like other clergy members, deacons perform apostolic ministry. Married men can become deacons, but after ordination, deacons may not marry. There are 2 kinds of deacons: permanent deacons and deacons who are on the way to priesthood called transitional deacons.
Scripture link Jesus and Peter After the resurrection, Jesus made breakfast on the shore for Peter and other apostles. Then he asked Peter if he loved him more than the others. Peter replied yes. Jesus then said, “Feed My Lambs.” Again Jesus asked Peter if he loved him and Peter replied yes. Jesus said, “Feed my Sheep.” A third time Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” Again Peter said yes. And Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” Then Jesus foretold Peter’s Martyrdom and said, “Follow me.” Peter the fisherman became the shepherd of Christ’s flock. John 21: 15-19