ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 1 GOMACTech-04 Transformational Technologies General Chair Report Combined TPC/SC Meeting Zachary J. Lemnios, DARPA Conference Chairman February 3, 2004
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 2 Conference Chairman Zach Lemnios, DARPA Technical Program Chair Edgar Martinez, DARPA Treasurer Gerald Borsuk, NRL Secretary Carl Kotecki, NASA-GSFC Award Chairman Loren Linholm, NIST Social Chairman Sammy Kayali, NASA/JPL Exhibit Chair/Conference Support Ralph Nadell, Palisades Technology is the differentiating factor that has assured US prominence in the global arena. Enhanced lethality with minimization of loss of life and collateral damage are all heavily reliant on knowledge of the battlefield and precision target prosecution. Miniaturized and more capable sensors, robots, high performance information processing and dissemination, and unmanned systems will dramatically change the way that the we defend ourselves at home and abroad. This conference theme highlights the impact of technology on our next generation systems and the technologies that will shape the generation after next. Theme: Transformational Technologies
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page :00 amZ. Lemnios Call to Order C. KoteckiApproval of 2 October 2003 minutes Z. LemniosChairman’s report G. BorsukTreasurer’s report 10:00 am Z. Lemnios Call to Order C. KoteckiApproval of 2 October 2003 minutes Z. LemniosChairman’s report G. BorsukTreasurer’s report GOMACTech-04 E. MartinezFinal technical program Plenary session D. PalmerTutorials I. MackPanel sessions S. KayaliLocal arrangements and social events Committee dinner S. KnightAwards Gift Item Rating sheet R. Nadell Author confirmation status Exhibit Update On-line registration process and status Registration support Proceedings Old Business L. LinholmConference Bylaws Z. LemniosITARS Update E. Martinez GOMACTech-05, location and theme New Business E. Martinez GOMACTech-05 Offices GOMACTech-05 SETA Plan GOMACTech-05 Conference management plan 2:00 pmAdjourn AGENDA
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 4 Contributor Steering Committee Technical Program Committee Eric Adler xx Joe Brewer x Gerald Borsuk xx Art Campbell xx Chuck Caposell xx Brian Cohen x John Franco x Phil Howerton xx Sammy Kayali x Carl Kotecki x Zach Lemnios xx Chris Lesniak xx Loren Linholm xx Richard Linderman xx Ingham Mack xx Dev Palmer xx John Pellegrino x x Harald Schone xx Stephen Knight x Edgar Martinez xx On Both Committees Committee Membership
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 5 Since our last TPC/SC Meeting in October, the main issues of concern that need to be addressed are as follows: ByLaws ITARS issues GOMACTech-05 Location Website Awards OUTSTANDING ISSUES
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 6 The By-Laws had been posted on the GOMACTech website for your review. They need to be amended by the TPC/SC Committees. BY-LAWS
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 7 ITARS ISSUES: The focus of the teleconference was to determine whether or not the GOMACTech Steering Committee wanted to classify the GOMACTech Conference as “ITAR Restricted” or “Export Controlled” effectively allowing or disallowing the participation and attendance of Canadian citizens. Even though the terms ITAR and Export Controlled are interchangeable, there is a major difference between the two terms. There is a Canadian Exception to ITAR (126.5). This effectively means that if the Steering Committee chose to classify GOMACTech as an ITAR Restricted Conference, then Canadians would be allowed to attend. On the other hand, if the Steering Committee chose to classify GOMACTech as an Export Controlled Conference, then the Committee could effectively create their own rules/framework and bar Canadians from attending the Conference. There was some concern among Committee members as to whether or not Canadians should be allowed to attend a conference where proprietary information was being presented. In addition, Northrop Grumman Corporation specifically stated that they would not be presenting at the conference if Canadians citizens were allowed to attend. At the end of the teleconference a vote was taken from the eight Committee members present and the results were as follows: · 6 SC Members voted for Export Controlled effectively baring Canadians from the Conference · 2 SC Members voted for ITAR, effectively allowing Canadians to attend the Conference It was decided by the SC Committee to put this action into the By Laws and vote upon it when the By Laws are amended.
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 8 GOMACTech-05 Location: The TPC/SC Committees need to determine the location of GOMACTech-05. Possible locations include: Las Vegas2 Votes (Eric Adler, Chris Lesniak) OrlandoNo Votes New Orleans1 Vote (Gerry Borsuk) San DiegoNo Votes San AntonioNo Votes Tyler Loftin sent multiple s out to TPC/SC Members back in October and has only heard back from 3 members of the Committees.
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 9 GOMACTech-04 WEBSITE: The website has been updated with: Online Registration Form and Downloadable Registration Form Exhibitor List (Includes Floor Plan and Exhibitor Information) GOMACTech-04 Program Conference Schedule (Agenda) Bylaws have been posted for TPC/SC Review (need to be Amended)
ZJL 10/26/2015 Page 10 SCHEDULE