BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary Brussels,


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Presentation transcript:

BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary Brussels, November 12 th 2013 Round Table: “Better management of Natura 2000 sites: challenges and chances for the future”

Project Background to face the loss of biodiversity One of the current most important and demanding challenges is to face the loss of biodiversity, encompassing the diversity of both habitat and species types. A strong EU legal basis for the nature conservation provides the foundation for the preservation of the EU natural heritage. Directive 92/43/EEC “Habitat” Directive 09/147/EU “Birds” Natura 2000 Network (SCI/SAC and SPA)

Project Background Than the Natura2000 network was established but this is: not a system of strict nature reserves where all the human activities are excluded in fact, it can include nature reserves privately owned and/or where human activity is strongly present

Project Background For many reasons, the Natura2000 management & implementation is often difficult and controversial. Most of the partner areas still experience difficulties in the application of the Directive due to: the lack of proper instruments at national level for implementation the combination of different economic interests affecting the target environment

Project Background For many reasons, the Natura2000 management & implementation is often difficult and controversial. Serious environment pressure is caused - i.e. by tourism, agriculture and infrastructure, and also by the presence of several alien species of flora Overall problem: the fragmentation is very high and difficult to maintain.  The definition of precise and accurate strategy for the environment conservation is therefore necessary in order to be able to achieve good conservation outcomes.

Objectives General objective of the project is: defining common action plans and strategynatural heritage and the landscape To face the loss of biodiversity by defining common action plans and strategy to preserve the natural heritage and the landscape in SEE region, priority for habitats and species with priority for habitats and species that are: protected - protected by the 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC Dir. typical - typical of these eco-regions and/or threatened - threatened by changes of environment (caused by climate changes and wrong management).

From month/year2 / 2011To month/year1 / 2014 Duration 36 months Project Duration Objectives conserv species and habitats common concretely implementing To conserv species and habitats common to the Partners areas, this way concretely implementing the EU legislative framework, by the definition of : Transnational Joint Strategy - a Transnational Joint Strategy for the better management and improvement of Natura2000 network Joint Transnational Action Plans - Joint Transnational Action Plans Using the knowledge and best practices gained within the consortium as a basis

Partnership Number of partners from EU Austria3 Bulgaria1 Greece1 Hungary2 Italy3 Romania3 Number of partners from Non EU Serbia1 Total number of Project Partners14


Transnational Approach involved project areas common habitats and species protected by directivesendemic or mainly distributedmigrating across SEE eco- region threatened by the changes of the environment The involved project areas are characterized by common habitats and species protected by the 92/43/EEC and the 09/147/EU directives, endemic or mainly distributed in these eco-regions and/or migrating across SEE eco- region and/or threatened by the changes of the environment (climate change and human activity). at different stages implementation of Natura2000 management of natural sites, transnational cooperation Given that the SEE Countries are at different stages of the application of 92/43/EEC Directive for the implementation of Natura2000, as well as of management of natural sites, transnational cooperation is necessary: - to face the loss of biodiversity in a coordinated and homogeneous way according to the EU framework, - to produce a wider and more concrete impact compared to isolated initiatives.

Transnational Approach BE-NATUR aims to improve the better management and implementation of Nature 2000 sites in the SEE eco-regions through implementing transnational activities. Transnational Activities Trainings. Communication, dissemination and raising awareness. The participation and joint work of all PPs is required in all activities.

Innovative Character to prepare transnational Action Plans through transnational cooperation As the definition of specific Action Plans for the protection of habitat and species, it is a requirement of the Directive 92/43/EEC, plans have already been developed on national level, but to prepare transnational Action Plans through transnational cooperation makes BE-NATUR very innovative. represent a tool Once the plans will be adopted, they'll represent a tool, to which a number of countries will refer to, developing concrete actions of conservation coordinated and responding to the same indications. And this can concretely bring toward gap reduction.

Outputs - Outputs - Communication activities Project Website

Outputs - Outputs - Communication activities Dissemination materials - mor than people were reached

Outputs Transnational joint strategy and tools for the better management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites Individuation of gaps in the management and implementation of Natura2000 sites were collected and summarized in the GAP analysis Definition of Joint Transnational Action Plans for common habitats/group of habitats and species - 3 JTSPs for species and 3 for habitats were developed Bilateral meetings were organized with the participation of decision makers regarding the national adoptation of the JTAPs

Outputs Transnational joint strategy and tools for the better management and implementation of Natura 2000 sites Transnational Tool and Strategy A Transnational Tool and Strategy for the the better management and implementation of Natura2000 sites was developed Transnational visits for experts - 5 visits were organized

Outputs Concrete implementation of the strategy and improvement of knowledge of human capital Training sessions, at local and national level – 36 sessions were organized and 147 experts were trained Direct interventions of preservation and reintroduction of species - 5 species were preserved and reintroduced Direct interventions of restoration and preservation of habitats - 3 habitats were better managed 3 Management plans for better management of sites were devloped

Outputs Awareness rising actions and promotion of sustainable tourism Organisation of targeted workshops and didactic visits - focusing on wetlands, their habitats and wildlife – using the output didactic material developed by hte partnership – at least students and teachers were reached and participated on the workshops organized by each project partner

Thank you Thank you Brussels, November 12 th 2013 Round Table: “Better management of Natura 2000 sites: challenges and chances for the future” BEtter management and implementation of NATURa 2000 sites Zsuzsa Fidlòczky Nimfea Environment and Nature Conservation Association (LP) Hungary