Knowledge production in ecology and biodiversity conservation in Brazil Rejan R. Guedes-Bruni Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Ary Gomes da Silva Universidade de Vila Velha
Atlantic Rain Forest: original coverture and remnants (Source: Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica 2008) Diversidade, Endemismos e Espécies Ameaçadas da Mata Atlântica (MA) e Campos Sulinos (CS).
Scientific events and Policies for Atlantic Forest 1945 – first bird and plant inventories in Atlantic Forest (Davies 1945; Velloso 1945) 40’ and 50’ – flora and fauna studies 1980 – returning to Atlantic forest studies (Martins 1980) 1989 – National Research Council (CNPq) promote a specific programm pointing the Atlantic Forest as a priority for botanical studies 1937 – First National Park (Itatiaia) 60’th – Creation of Parks and Reserves 70’ th – ONU Conference for Environmental (Stocolmo, 1974) and the begining of Brazilian ambientalism 1982 – First Seminar, promoted by an NGO, for Atlantic Forest conservation 1985 – Preservation of Serra do Mar 1988 – Reconized as National Patrimony by Brazilian constitution 1992 – The regulation for the use, cutting, and conservation of the Atlantic forest was published (Decreto 750, Feb 10, 1992) 2007 – Atlantic Forest Law (Lei , Dec 22,2006)
Collecting scientific data production s to 30 leaders researchers about central theory to support conservation policies Theory of Island Biogeography Period: 1945 to 2008 (major of them out of digital data basis) Sources: Libraries, Scielo and Web of Science basis, Lattes Databases Key-words: Atlantic forest; biodiversity, flora, fauna, inventory, succession, diversity, biological conservation, management; sustainability; local people
Standardizing: building a data basis
Results: far from the exhaustion Papers recovered: 2894 –Brazilian journals: 867 –International journals: 2027 Journals: 510 –Brazilians: 178 –Internationals: 332
Improving our knowledge
Initial Start Points Brazilian scientific production Brazil 20th position in bibliographic citations (Scarano 2007); From 1990 on papers published grew more than 20 times Publication in international journal is still insipient, because in many cases the papers are classified as of local interest
Challenges for now In the core of the knowledge construction there are some fundamental problems to be solved, such as sampling, replication, validation, accuracy, and representation The knowledge that has been produced until now was made on a disciplinary way. Thus, it has been fragmentary in its origin, kept apart by the disciplines boundaries.
One step: Brazil Biodiversity Research Programme (PPBio) One step: Brazil Biodiversity Research Programme (PPBio) (Ministry of Science and Technology – MCT,2004) Was conceived in accordance with the principles of the Convention of Biological Diversity and the directives of Brazil's National Biodiversity Policy; Is part of the federal government's Multi-year Plan (PPA) and aims to create a strategic institutional plan to efficiently expand and manage biodiversity knowledge: (1) studies of biodiversity need to be integrated and conducted over large areas; (2) scientific information on biodiversity is important for education, environmental modelling and to support public policies
Changing signs Ministry of the Environment (Dec 2007) National Consultation Meeting for Creating a Scientific Advisory Mechanism Regarding Policy Decisions on the Scope of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Brazilian Government: –Obstacles to communication between government and scientific community –Actions to improve communication between government and scientific community –Mechanisms to implement actions to improve communication between government and scientific community –Mobilization of the scientific community