Collaborative Project with the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre Marine Boundary Working Group Arlington, VA December 15, 2009 Zach Ferdaña Chris Bruce Dan Kelly Jay Odell The Nature Conservancy
Overview Ecoregional approach Pilot project aims December update
identify conservation features gather available information set conservation goals identify impacts and human uses develop initial priority scenarios using decision support tools evaluate results with experts develop final priority conservation areas and alternative scenarios Products: spatial database decision support site priorities Marine Ecoregional Assessment Process
Northwest Atlantic Marine ecoregion
Aim #1 Work with the MMC to define and characterize the Marine Habitat and Biodiversity data theme Contributing to the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
Aim #2 Determine and categorize what biodiversity features to include in the MMC Contributing to the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
Aim #3 Define data standards and a peer review process Contributing to the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
Aim #4 Implement Marine Habitat and Biodiversity information Contributing to the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
Aim #5 Share lessons learned and develop a process from these pilot projects Contributing to the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre
December update Defined biodiversity and categorized features Submitted benthic habitat data Initiated peer review process
Zach Ferdaña, Senior Marine Conservation Planner The Nature Conservancy– Questions?