COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PROJECT WATERHOLIC A drop of water a drop of hope Good practices about water
The contents of this document not reflect the official opinion of European Union. Responsibility for the informations and views expressed in the document’s material lies entirely with the authors
Good morning everyone, I’m Emanuele and I come from Italy. First of all I would like to say that I am very happy to be reunited with all of the people I know and I just met. Today I wouldn’t have been here, as I already took part in the project, but thanks to the project I met so many special people, that I wished I could have seen again for the final part of the project, and fortunately I had the possibility to do it.
Now, I want tell you something about my experience with the project, what I felt and what I learnt. First of all I understood that all of we human are really the same, I understood that ours problems, ways of thinking, ways of living or loving are really the same, and that’s one of the most beautiful things I learnt, because I think that all of us should understand that between us there are no difference. The place in which you live makes no the difference, because as I have an heart, oh look, are you feeling? Something is constantly beating inside you, and that’s must be the same thing is beating now inside me. If we don’t understand first of all that thing, how can we protect the world?
How can we protect the water resources that always more are slowly finishing, without taking the attention about that? We care more about the finish of petrol, instead than of carrying about the water protection, which is the thing thanks to we still live, speak and do all the things we want. Humans in the past lived without petrol, but they have never without water, and all of us should understand that, we should stay all together, united to protect the water, because is something that interested all of us. With the project we saw all the different water’s problems, with the differences projects presented by the different states, now I want that you think about that, think about your life without water, could still exist?
Could you still live? And I know that even If the life sometimes can be difficult, all of us love the gift someone gave us, and as all the things we own, we don’t have to treat them as “Ok, I got it, now I don’t mind”. When we have in our life something special as the water, we should protect it, not waste it. We are like the water, all of us are the same, that’s the same with the water. In Lithuania, Turkey, Italy in Greece and Romania, what’s make the difference in the water is the salinity of that, a little bit like us, what makes us different are just our own small and special traits, which makes us so special, different, but so special, like the water. Emanuele D’Amico
"Aman Iman" say Tuareg of the Sahara, that means "water is life" and for this reason we have to save this richness. Stop thinking for granted his precence. Water is a finite resource, unevenly distributed in time and space. How can we stop the wasting of water? Several options are proposed from lots of scholars. But the truth is that miracolous solutions don't exist. Thanks to this project I understood that only if we take behaviors aimed at the conservation of water in our daily activities and we reduce waste for useful aims, we could finally say we're taking advantage of the primary source of life in a really suitable way. Andrea Caviglia