® QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Workshop Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems February 18th, 2011 Barcelona
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 2 QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems Welcome GVIQUAEO GeoViQua On behalf of IEC and CREAF welcome to Barcelona and the first GeoViQua workshop meeting
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 3 Institut d'Estudis Catalans Institute for Catalan Studies IEC was founded in 1907 to undertake research and study into "all elements of Catalan culture”. The main building is located at “La Casa de la Convalescència” (Convalescence House), a 17th century construction related to an ancient Hospital nearby. In 1931 the building was severely transformed to host the IEC.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 4 Climate Change and the Integrity of Science We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of political assaults on scientists in general and on climate scientists in particular. All citizens should understand some basic scientific facts. There is always some uncertainty associated with scientific conclusions; science never absolutely proves anything. When someone says that society should wait until scientists are absolutely certain before taking any action, it is the same as saying society should never take action. For a problem as potentially catastrophic as climate change, taking no action poses a dangerous risk for our planet. […] Lead Letter Published in Science magazine, May 7th, 2010 Signed for 255 members of the National Academy of Sciences Climategate context.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 5 Today Morning session –Quality and Uncertanty (Dan Cornford, Aston) –GEO topics (Joan Maso, CREAF) Afternoon –CoP sensibilities on quality (Xavier Pons, UAB)
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 6 The aim GeoViQua will provide a set of scientifically developed software components and services that facilitate the creation, search and visualization of quality information on EO data integrated and validated in the GEOSS Common Infrastructure. Pilot case studies C R O S S S B A Community building GEO S&T Label
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 7 Need for quality parameterization Poor quality data often led decision makers to overestimate the amount of land needed for conservation areas.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 8 GEOSS Strategic Targets Data Management Before 2015, GEO aims to: 2. Provide a shared, easily accessible, timely, sustained stream of comprehensive data of documented quality, as well as metadata and information products, for informed decision making. This will be achieved through: Development of best practices, identified in the appropriate GCI registry, for observation, collection and access to data and information, including best practices for data quality assurance for both observing system data and information products Strategic Targets Rev1.pdf
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 9 Need for quality visualization
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 10 Topics to discuss Quality parameterization and elicitation Quality representation and visualization Quality standards and frameworks GEOSS architecture: portals, clearinghouses and pilots Exploitation of GEOSS data in relevant communities Needs from the CoP and uses in general It is really important for use to capture the requirements of that communities that will be afterwards elaborated in the WP2 of the project
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 11 The role of quality Link to data Embed in data Quality visualisation Quality based search GEOPortal, web portals and mobile devices Standard encodingElicit from metadata Elicit from provenance Quantify (CAL/VAL, in situ) User feedback Elicitation derivation Encoding Embedding and linking Search and Visualisation GEO Label
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 12 GEOSS+Quality GEO Label
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 13 Project objectives 1. Provision of innovative tools to enhance the current infrastructure capability. –GeoViQua’s major technical innovation is search and visualization tools for the community which communicate and exploit data quality information from GEOSS catalogues. 2. Development of the GEOLabel. –GEOLabel requirements are identified (Work Package WP2), integrated with components (WP6), validated and applied into pilot cases (WP7), and disseminated to the community (WP8). It will be completed in collaboration with the GEO task ST Harmonization, exploitation and dissemination of project outputs. –A careful validation process is conducted in collaboration with a number of communities of practice and standards committees to ensure that the project contributes effectively to the GCI architecture. Collaboration to AIP will be continuous.
Workshop: Making GEOSS a quality immersed system of systems 14 Pilot cases GEO Label Search & Visualization components AgriPC CarbonPC ClimPC AirQuaPC LandPC FisheryPC RS_PC